Pick and plate Cali second semester 2018


02 July 2018 – 08:24 pm



El País editorial

Starting on Tuesday, the rotation of the peak and registration plate of private vehicles will be applied. In this sense, the restriction on this date corresponds to cars that have plates finished in 3 and 4.

Cali's Mobility Secretary, Juan Carlos Orobio, explained that this is the usual rotation that has this measure each semester. Although the official decree has not been published, it is expected that this Tuesday at the first hour will be published to begin to take effect.

The official badured that the measure will have no more changes than the rotation of the number of plates and will continue to apply only for two digits per day, at 6:00. at 10:00 am and from 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm

On Mondays, vehicles whose plates end in 1 and 2 leave the vehicle; Tuesdays 3 and 4; Wednesday 5 and 6; Thursday 7 and 8; and Friday 9 and 0.

"I urge all drivers to abide by this rule, which is a request made to all vehicle drivers, to sacrifice a few hours a day so that we can all move better", expressed Orobio.

  This was the peak and plaque at Cali for the second half of 2018

In 2017, 67,040 submissions were applied for not following the peak and the plaque. It was the most sanctioned offense that year, followed by the technical-mechanical review

He also recalled that the peak and plate offense is one of the most sanctioned measures currently in Cali. Between January and May of this year, 23,602 submissions were applied, 1,510 more than taxes in the same period of 2017 (22,092).

Whoever incurs the offense will be punished by a fine equal to fifteen days of legal minimum wage in force, or approximately $ 390,630. The secretary of mobility made it clear that there would be no pedagogical week, "since it is simply about rotation, which is already widely known to all citizens . "

"If people consider that the use of their vehicle is absolutely necessary the alternative of paying the congestion tax, so that they are not likely to have a penalty" , said the official.
It is estimated that in Cali 96,680 private vehicles, which correspond to 20% of the city's automobile fleet, are the ones that go out every day on the days that govern the peak and plate.

According to Orobio, there are currently about 2000 people registered in the registration of the congestion charge, ie they pay to be able to circulate in their vehicle especially on days that have restrictions.This exemption has a monthly cost of $ 214,890

Last year, there were 1,632 vehicles that paid the exemption for tips and plates, which brought back a collection of 3027 million dollars.

The secretary recalled that the alternative can download the receipt and cancel to authorized banks on the official website of the entity.

Read also: What measures will be taken to put 'brake' on on uncontrolled caravans in Cali?

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