Plagiarism candidates may suffer from defects


Candidates who "plagiarized" to develop their government plans could be struck out and then excluded from the electoral competition.

Dina Monge, president of the Cusco Special Electoral Jury, said that any citizen can interfere with this problem. However, he said that the electorate can not act automatically in these cases.

Monge stated that tachas can be submitted once the JEE declares the registered lists and these are published. They have a maximum of three days to do it. If the electorate declares that the strike or exclusion is justified, the candidate or the list is excluded from the elections, provided that this resolution is ratified by the National Election Jury (JNE).

To present a strike, the citizen must pay to the Banco de la Nación, the sum of S / 4,150 if the action is directed against a candidate for the post of governor, vice-governor or regional councilor, and S / 1,037.50 when the strike concerns candidates for mayor and aldermen.

revealed several cases of candidates who allegedly suffered plagiarism in Cusco and Arequipa. His government plans have texts copied from other documents without being cited.

In the Imperial region, copies were copied by the provincial candidates for Popular Action (AP), Aaron Medina Cervantes, Alliance for Progress (APP), Luis Pantoja Calvo, and the regional postulant of Tawantinsuyo, Jejosnovara Cervantes.

Medina copied the mission and vision of a master's thesis from the Graduate School of the Pontifical Catholic University of Peru: "Strategic Approach of the District of San Juan de Lurigancho", of Lima; while Pantoja copied the objectives of the government's ten-year education plan for 2006-2016


On the other hand, the president JEE, Dina Monge, stated that the nominations of district mayors to the provincial mayor can not be considered re-election.

"Each JEE is autonomous, there is independence of criterion The resolutions that the jury gives do not have the character of a binding precedent, one can or can not take into account the resolutions that 39, a district mayor for the province are not re-elected, "he said.

This criterion will be applied in the badessment of the registration applications of the mayors of San Sebastian, Andari Sicus, Wanchaq, Willy Cuzmar, San Jeronimo, William Paño, and Santiago, Franklin Sotomayor, who want to succeed the Provincial Mayor of Cusco, Carlos Moscoso Perea.

However, the JNE said a few days ago that the ban on re-election applies to mayors who were elected in the 2014 municipal elections. This would involve everyone. ♣

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