"Plan" that would highlight the grouping of FARC


Colombian magazine & Semana & # 39; publishes an article that indicates that the FARC dissent would be in a plan to refound the armed group. The text indicates that three of the guerrillas who did not take part in the peace process began the idea of ​​consolidating a year and a half ago. The leaders are Miguel Botache, aka "Gentil Duarte", General García Molina, aka "John 40" and Edgar Salgado, aka "Rodrigo Cadete".

"Guacho has become the visible face of dissent, but he manages only one of the 29 structures," says magazine article and adds that outlaw groups "are collecting money "and" move their bases in the communities "to make a meeting that would mark the resurgence of the guerrilla front.

The text ensured that the number of insurgents varies between" 1,463 (…) and 4,000 The media based their figures on official documents and reports from various foreign intelligence agencies, and the "Week" survey indicates that criminal groups would be spread across "18 departments and 120 municipalities."

The funding of these groups would be based on activities related to drug trafficking, illicit cultivation, cocaine export, illegal mining and other actions that would be carried out as well. well in Colombia that in Brazil and the V enezuela

The structure that resurfaced would be under the command of "Gentil Duarte", who was the first guerrilla to separate from the peace process. and to whom it is estimated that at least 250 men would currently accompany him, while "John 40" would be responsible for the economic support of the new group and the text says that there would already be alliances with the posters "Familia del Norte", "Comando Vermelho" and the "First Commando of the Capital"

"Semana" exposed one of the ways in which dissidents would recruit newcomers The media reported an operation conducted by the army in which 14 men were intercepted, which, according to the investigation, had been armed by the FARC and had a salary that would correspond to the task of inciting the new guerrillas to the 39; money.

For their part, various Colombian media consulted military forces about the publication of "Semana" and stated that the goal of illegal armed groups "is far from being reached".


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