Pokémon Go celebrates its second anniversary laden with news


  pokemon go second birthday birthday2018

How time flies. Niantic celebrates and is right to do so since the popular Pokémon Go birthday, two in particular. The one that was an authentic mbad phenomenon in its moment celebrates its second anniversary and the developers of the game have prepared a series of surprises that will captivate lovers of the game. Although logically the game has lost the fury of its beginnings, it has always a huge mbad of followers.

The first is that it will be much easier to find Pikachu and his Pichu baby version, and even players can meet a new ephemeral mouse Electric . But the highlight is undoubtedly the new "summer" Pikachu that will become the main goal of video game players.

This Pikachu wears a hat and as you can guess, sunglbades to better withstand the weather of this time of year. year in the northern hemisphere. But the novelties do not stop there: the owners of a Pikachu Fan medal will be able to acquire props for their avatar, including a shirt and new ears for your friend.

On the other hand, players will have a new opportunity to catch the coveted Bird Articuno, which, attentive to this, will only be available in a 3 hour slot on July 7th. The followers of this game are also lucky since July 8 is the day of the Pokemon Go Community in which the protagonist will take Squirtle, that day will have a greater appearance in the game and will logically increase the chances to catch it. Ready for all that is coming?

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