Pokémon Quest Reaches $ 3 Million in One-Week Profits


Sensor Tower brings us again the most accurate badysis of the world of cell phones and, this time, the latest opus of the franchise of our dear friend Pikachu, Pokémon Quest has been studied .

Pokémon Quest was announced a few days before the E3 conference, presented at Switch to the days and officially launched on June 27 for iOS and Android phones. The first week in the global smart phone markets reported $ 3 million in profits in 3.5 million installed devices.

Sensor Tower details that 56% of the income comes from the iPhones and the country of the rising sun, Japan (31%). The success is such that it has already consolidated as the first free mobile application in Japan, the second in South Korea and the 18th in the United States.

Pokémon Quest broke with the traditional format of all Pokémon shipments. He gave us a cubic world in which pokémon walks freely and in which we can only interfere in the fighting. Our mission will be to explore the island Rodacubo and catch the different creatures.

Tell us, have you already installed Pokémon Quest or do you plan to do it? Remember that you can do it for free from the AppStore or the PlayStore.

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