Police arrest sniper in supermarket in Los Angeles | ELESPECTADOR.COM


A suspect involved in a shootout that had been entrenched Saturday in a supermarket in the American city of Los Angeles (California, West) was arrested by police, who reported a person killed in the incident.

Officers sued the suspect until he barricaded himself inside the store.

"A male suspect … has been involved in a family dispute in which he has turned out that he had shot his grandmother and a woman at the scene "of the incident, Los Angeles Police Sergeant Barry Montgomery

" This suspect fled the scene in his grandmother's vehicle, taking with him this woman ", and is finally walked into Trader Joe's supermarket in Silverlake after being involved in an "officer shooting" that was chasing him, he said.

The agents pursued the suspect until he barricaded himself in the commercial premises.

"We managed to arrest the suspect without incident." The situation remains fluid as they move forward by cleaning up the location, "said the Los Angeles Police Department on his official Twitter account.

The Mayor from Los Angeles, Eric Garcetti, announced that a woman had received I am sorry to inform you that there is a fatal victim who has registered inside, c & # 39; is a woman, "said Garcetti, without giving any more information to identify this person

. , President of the United States, Donald Trump, had written on his Twitter account: "See a possible hostage taking in Los Angeles."

"Suspect actively entrenched L.A.P.D. (LAPD) working with the federal forces," he added in another message.

Devin Field, a man who said that he was entering the store when the incident was unleashed, confirmed the sequence of events recorded in a series of tweets. after the suspect hit his car in front of the store.

"He was entering when a car fleeing the police crashed into the lamppost in front of the entrance.The shooter came out and started firing on the cops.I hid behind a retaining wall with three policemen until they shoot me from there, "writes Field.

" The shooter went to shoot. "He entered the back (of the store) and took hostages and the employees escaped through the rear emergency exits, "said the witness. [ad_2]
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