Police in a state of drunkenness killed his 14 year old son because he warned of danger on the street


By Gadiel Castillo

14 Jul 2018-9: 12

"Dad does not go out anymore, it's very dark and the place is dangerous," asked the young 14 years old. Father Luis Alberto Sandoval Maravilla, who is a police officer. Several people had arrived at Sandoval Maravilla's house to invite her to leave.

In response to his son's request, Sandoval Maravilla called him and took him to the colony crossing, and it was precisely at that time, agreeing with witnesses, shots were heard. The child died immediately.

The forensic examination revealed that the child had three gunshot wounds to the head, face and hip.

The incident was recorded at dawn this Saturday in the Villa Cuscatancingo urbanization. After the fact, Sandoval Maravilla tried to escape and get rid of the weapon by throwing it into a pile, but the elite police captured her in another house of the Urbanization and also recovered the rifle.

The police officer was in a state of intoxication, as confirmed by the authorities.

The mother of the child and life partner Sandoval, said that at 6 o'clock in the afternoon agent had arrived home in a state of drunkenness, then the subject got a call and left the house.

Upon her return, she noticed that he was more drunk. It was at that time that they came to invite him and the minor asked him not to leave, which made him furious.

The 38-year-old agent was important in the Santa Tecla police delegation

yesterday afternoon, Sandoval Maravilla said that he did not remember what was going on. had pbaded (apparently because of the state of drunkenness) and that he was sorry for what he had done because he was his son.

Sandoval Maravilla will face aggravated homicides. The courts of justice
The minister condemns the crime

The Minister of Justice and Security, Mauricio Ramírez Landaverde, condemned the fact that the agent Sandoval Maravilla, during his capture, is in a advanced state of drunkenness.

He explained that the policeman had drunk intoxicating drinks since the afternoon and "that he remained in this behavior for a good part of the night, it was almost midnight that the fact He chose to continue to consume alcoholic beverages and his young son would have called to give up this problem. "

He added that it is a" very regrettable event due to the circumstances under which he was committed, but mainly because the state of the victim, a small child of 14 years. "

Faced with this type of facts, he argued that it is necessary that" we, in as a state, let's focus our attention on this form of violence in our country. "

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