Poliscopio | Duque & # 39; s Cabinet: Cocktail & Balance


At the time of writing this, President-elect Iván Duque had defined virtually all his future ministers. Beginning July 11 with Alberto Carrasquilla in the Treasury Portfolio, the incoming agent posted on his Twitter account the names of 15 of the 16 departments that make up his firm plus the Directorate of Planning. When sending the final version of this text to the editors, an appointment -ICT- remains as well as the administrative department of the presidency and its senior councils.

The firm's selection is one of the first leadership tests of an elected president. This process suffers from the tension between the political needs that emerged during the campaign and the technical requirements required by each of the portfolios. The balance between partisan supporters, recognized experts and specific presidential bets is not easy to obtain. There are other balances to take into account: youth and experience, regional between different regions of the country and politics between the different forces that helped win.

Similarly, on several occasions, the inclusion of some ministers sends powerful political signals. For example, President Santos included two of his former presidential candidates from his cabinet: Germán Vargas Lleras in Interior and Rafael Pardo in Trabajo. This is what he calls "the team of rivals", in reference to the historian Doris Kearns Goodwin's book about Abraham Lincoln and his cabinet during the American Civil War. This was considered at the time as one of the first signs of rupture between Santos and Álvaro Uribe, since Vargas and Pardo were at odds with the former president.

Uribismo 20

Due to the youth of President Duque and the nature of the 2018 campaign, all eyes are turned to his first cabinet. Not a day pbaded after winning the elections, and media and opposition leaders speculated that the old uribists would occupy the various ministries. The elected president announced a government consistent with the generational change that it represents as well as a first line of equality between men and women.

As far as his cabinet is concerned, Duque's challenge is almost the same as that of the campaign: how to balance Uribe's return to power with a message of renewal and representation from other sectors. In other words, how to translate the strategy of Uribismo 2.0 from the campaign – where it has been successful – to the government.

Delicate Cocktail

A look at the almost complete ducal cabinet reflects a badtail that mixes different doses. In the first place, there are several first level ministries and the specific weight of the government in the hands of veterans Uribistas. The most remarkable case is that of Minister Carrasquilla, who is repeating himself in the public finance portfolio. Other nominations are also close to the head of the Democratic Center: Guillermo Botero at La Defense, Carlos Holmes Trujillo at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and former congressman Nancy Patricia Gutiérrez at the head of the political portfolio. To this block must also be added the new Minister of Labor, Alicia Arango, Duque's right hand man in the countryside and the private secretary of former President Uribe.

A second ingredient of the badtail are the experts in their respective subjects. In this category are Gloria Borrero in Justicia, María Fernanda Suárez in Minas y Energía (more oil and energy than mines), Ricardo Lozano in Ambiente, Gloria Alonso in the DNP, Juan Pablo Uribe in health, María Victoria Angulo in Education and Andrés Valencia in Agriculture. And in a third bloc there would be President Duque's bets to profiles that, in addition to the knowledge, would send other messages: Jonathan Malagón in Vivienda, a young Caribbean economist; Carmen Vásquez, leader and manager of Buenaventura in Culture; and José Manuel Restrepo in Commerce, economist and rector of two universities: Rosario and Cesa.


It was inevitable that this range of appointments would be criticized. The left opposition has attacked names such as Carrasquilla, Botero and Angulo because they represent ideological lines and, in the case of Angulo, rejecting public policies. The environment, agriculture, housing and still the defense have been criticized for coming directly from the production guilds. Unfortunately, more personal and intimate attacks have been presented that reflect the rarefied post-electoral political air. However, the names of

Borrero in Justicia, Restrepo in Comercio and Lozano in Ambiente have generated good comments in their respective sectors and even within the opposition.


The general overview of the first cabinet shows that the elected president managed to bring together a competent group of ministers at the presence of Uribe and at the entrance of the technicians . While Sen. Uribe's close veterans hold important portfolios, part of the economic and social agenda has fallen into the hands of experts. This is not an identical copy of a cabinet of the Uribe era nor of the "rivals team" of Santos. There are not a lot of party quotas from members of the governing coalition and the shift towards extremism that opponents have warned is dispelled. In the "Traicionómetro", a tool developed by journalists Jorge Galindo and Daniel Pacheco to badyze how much the Duque government is independent of Uribe, the cabinet has so far a "balance favorable to the independence of Duque ".

A key area is pending for the next president: the structure of the closest presidency of the Republic and vice president Ramírez. In this space, bets centered on the heart of Duque and a core of confidence for the monitoring of strategic policies will be centered.

Trilles of Paper

• I was going to discuss the symbolic gesture of Senator @AntanasMockus yesterday. But for me, who believed so much and voted the power of his message, I was fed up with looking for meaning, symbolism and message in worn-out acts, disconnected from the concerns of today. hui and even arrogant.
• I like that we have two dates of independence: a scream (# 20 July) and a battle (# 7ugust); a politician and a soldier; one of the tribunes and mobilization and another armies and war; one of the precursors and speeches and one of the liberators and conquests.

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