Populism "made in the USA"


July 22, 2018 – 06:55



Luis Guillermo Restrepo Satizábal

The United States elected their president in November 2016. What they did not know, was that the White House was going to be filled with a more typical madness of one. dictator than any democrat.

To understand what is happening, we must admit that Americans only care about the United States, that they do not depend on the government and that it does not exist in their country. universe of unmet needs, spaces missing from the state for crime and illegality.

So they have the luxury of choosing Donald Trump and enduring their mistakes, his ignorance about the role he should play as president, his bravado and his quagmire that leave the ground gringos image. With great exceptions, the majority does not seem to be affected as their president behaves like a jester, that he does not know who the enemies of his country are, that he embraces those who hate them and s & rsquo; # 39; excuse.

Of course, business is better than ever. Because of this, they tolerate the reality shows that their president performs daily or abuse against immigrant children, while the mainstream media even look for their underwear for news. With this Trump was elected despite not having majorities and the media are in the best moment of its history.

But they do not seem to realize what Trump meant for their institutions. He, who was elected with the undeniable interference of Vladimir Putin, who has the presidency as support for his business and his children, who, like any Colombian monopoly, claims to give the idea that their interests are the same. interests of the United States. , puts an end to the credibility of the White House.

What happened last week was incredible. After pleading for national security to declare the trade war against China and one of its neighbors, partners and friends, she went to Europe and wreaked havoc. He treated the members of NATO and the European Union as criminals, mocked the British Prime Minister, disrespected Queen Elizabeth, and then went to Helsinki where she kissed Putin, the great enemy from his country.

Something that the Russians must have about Trump, so that he has a two-hour meeting with the President of Russia and nothing comes out of it. And this must be something very powerful that requires him to ignore the work of his country's security agencies on the threat posed by Russia and on his intervention in the elections that elected him president.

For the first time, the reaction came from all over the United States. And while his chief of communications and his badistants need to clarify, correct and rectify each of his statements, Trump announces in the wake that, given the success of the one in Helsinki, he will invite Putin to Washington to attend. fall to continue his secret discussion that nobody knows what it's about or how it benefits the United States.

Meanwhile, the special prosecutor is continuing his investigation into the relations of the Trump campaign with Putin's Russians, or more and more affairs of the president and his sons are known with Russia, or with the China or with North Korea. But he managed to cover one scandal with another, as if governing the United States meant being able to do what was right for him.

It's the man who hides behind the motto "America first," a cheap populism that produces rivers of wealth for the United States.

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