Possession of the new Congress: Today the new Congress that will run until 2022 is installed | Policy


At 3 o'clock in the afternoon the complete Congress is cited to begin the new ordinary sessions in which lawmakers will also take possession and will thus begin functions until 1922.

This Congress can be considered historical for several reasons: Gustavo Petro arrives with more than 8 million votes and his seat has been reached by being the second in the presidential elections the FARC will land in a democracy after the signing of the peace the status of the opposition will come into force and the left as little Sometimes it happens, it is united to make opposition to the Government of Ivan Duque .

President Juan Manuel Santos will be in charge of starting the new legislature and pbading will be the last speech as president in the elliptical hall . In total 280 members of Congress will take office since the seats increased due to the arrival of 10 members of the FARC and the presidential formula which took the second place

As already the National Electoral Council finished the control of the last elections to Congress, everything is ready for those who obtained the credentials can take their place and start working.

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