President Diaz-Canel celebrates 100 days of continuity management (+ Photos)


Havana, July 27 (Prensa Latina) Cuban President Miguel Díaz-Canel celebrates his first 100 days in power, with the aim of consolidating the socialist project on the island.
Engineer, the 58-year-old president took office on April 19 after his election by the deputies to the constitutive session of the Ninth Legislature of the National Assembly of People's Power

& # I badume responsibility for who was chosen with the conviction that all the Cuban revolutionaries, from the position we occupy, will be faithful to the exemplary legacy of Commander-in-Chief Fidel Castro Ruz, historical leader of our Revolution and also at the example, the value and the teachings of the general of army Raul Castro Ruz, current leader of the revolutionary process ", he declared at the time. ;time.

Díaz-Canel replaced Raúl Castro, first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba, as President of the State Councils and Ministers.

They mark his management up to here short but intense of the country. with the public, working meetings to address the major challenges of the Greater Antilles, congresses of civil society organizations, international events and his first official visit abroad, in May to Venezuela.

The Cuban president also faced complex situations, such as the May 18 air disaster in that capital – in which 112 people lost their lives – and the rains badociated with the subtropical storm Alberto, which caused loss of life and serious damage in several provinces.

In the first months of his 2018-2023 term, the politician of the central province of Villa Clara visited, in June, the provinces of Santiago de Cuba and Granma, where he observed the march of the economy and spoke with authorities and citizens.

Among his activities in Santiago de Cuba are the tributes of the Santa Ifigenia Cemetery to Fidel Castro, the national hero, José Martí, and the mother and father of the country, Mariana Grajales and Carlos Manuel de Céspedes, respectively.

He also made headlines for his stay at the Basilica of Santa Maria de la Virgen del Caridad del Cobre, one of the most attractive places for domestic and foreign tourists arriving in the emblematic province.

Díaz-Canel traveled this month to the central provinces of Sancti Spíritus, Villa Clara, Cienfuegos and Matanzas, the most affected by the subtropical storm Alberto and its heavy rains and floods.

In these territories, he learned the details of the recovery's progress and gave instructions to local authorities to promote attention to the affected people.

During the first 100 days of his administration, the president led meetings to ascertain priorities for Cuba's development, such as tourism and housing, and meetings for the follow-up of the full program for the 500th anniversary of the Foundation. Havana

With regard to events, he participated among others in the IX Congress of the University Federation of Students (FEU) and X of the Union of Journalists of Cuba (UPEC), and at the IX Meeting International Justice and Law. In May, the President visited the Palace of Conventions of that capital, where he held the XXXVII session of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), which Cuba badumed Presidency of.

Díaz-Canel reiterated at the meeting the commitment of the island to the integration of Latin America and the Caribbean and regional development.

His presence, from July 15 to 17, at the XXIV Meeting of the Sao Paulo Forum – which hosted Havana for the third time – was also very important, in which he preached the unity of the progressive forces and left. , in a scenario marked by the badault of the right with its neoliberal policies and the hegemonic positions of the United States.

Another important moment in the scene occurred at the end of May, when the Cuban head of state arrived in Venezuela a few days after the reelection of Nicolás Maduro

In the South American, he paid tribute to the president of the Bolivarian Revolution at Cuartel de la Montaña, Hugo Chávez, spoke with President Maduro and reiterated Cuba's solidarity with the Venezuelan government and people, in the midst of a war economic and external pressures to overthrow the socialist project

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