President-elect Iván Duque has appointed his ministers of Defense and Housing | Policy


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" I Want You Here at this Great Meeting in Concordia, to Announce Us, Colombians, Are Going to Have a New Minister of Defense Endowed from a great managerial experience, with a great love for Colombia.A person who has served many areas of our country, who has character, who looks in the eyes, who is transparent and who goes m & # 39; accompany for the restoration of safety, and is Dr. Guillermo Botero, "said Duque.

Botero is currently the president of the National Federation of Merchants, Fenalco, he is a lawyer by profession and has experience in foreign trade. He also worked as a teacher.

Botero was also responsible for the chair of business practice at the Andean University School of Law. Likewise, he got involved in the floriculture sector for several years and owned a logistics company.

Minister of Housing

On the morning of this Tuesday, Ivan Duque also appointed economist and corporate director Jonathan Malagón as the new Minister of Housing, Town and Territory

Malagón, originally from Riohacha, La Guajira, is up to now one of the youngest cabinet ministers Duque, is 33 years old and graduated from the National University. In addition, he has a second career in Business Administration from the University of London (London School of Economics program).

With the 11 appointments up to now, Ivan Duque is shaping the cabinet that will accompany him in his government on August 7 to take office as the new President of the Republic.

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