propose a new rate to developers and owners for construction heights


The state, by allowing greater buildability in some plots, will benefit homeowners with an increase in the value of their land. In return, they must contribute a percentage depending on the location of the parcel. It is discussed by the legislature

The Legislative Assembly of Buenos Aires received this week an initiative to cap the extraordinary profits that could cause the reform of the code of urbanism which will allow to build more meters

Basically, an instrument is created that allows to regulate this greater constructive capacity by which owners or developers have to pay a contribution For the benefit that will give them the new standard, Infobae explains:

The state, allowing greater buildability in some plots, will benefit many homeowners from an increase in the value of their land; in return, they must contribute, when applying for a work permit, to benefit from the greatest aptitude for construction, with a percentage depending on the location of the plot. The administration of Buenos Aires will allocate these funds exclusively to the financing of transport infrastructure and services social facilities, public spaces, social housing, promotion of social rent, redevelopment of villas and sector plans in deficit For this, the Public Fund "Sustainable Habitat" will be created, which will be integrated into the profits by the payment of the Right to urban development and sustainable housing.

"This law will be a valuable tool for urban planning ] since it proposes to provide instruments to the public administration to offset the territorial imbalance in the management of the development of the City, it will at the same time allow a reasonable intervention on the real estate market by imposing costs to "Maximiliano Ferraro (Vamos Juntos), one of the promoters of this initiative and specified that this version of the project was worked in harmony with the Ministry of Urban Development and Transport

to be able to calculate the surplus value generated the initiative includes an array of values ​​of incidence of its elo in the UVAs generated by the Directorate General of Data, Statistics and Urban Projections.The calculation, as explained in the office of the deputy, is obtained taking into account the construction additional value to be exploited by the value of land incidence, which is equal to the taxable base, and multiplied by the differential aliquot per area. This result is the amount to be paid to the state, a payment that must be made before obtaining the construction rights, explains Infobae.

For example, in a parcel of the Nuñez neighborhood where the incidence value per square meter in UVA & # 39; s is 680m2 and where the difference between what allows to build the code today and what will build the new urban standard results in 490 m2, multiplied by the differential aliquot per zone – which in this case is 35% – pay as a fee for sustainable urban development and sustainable housing 116 620 UVA (today, about 2,800,000 pesos). Núñez, for example, is one of the neighborhoods that will take the maximum incidence value mentioned, in Villa Lugano, the proposed differential aliquot is 10%.

Cynthia Goytia ] who directs the Masters in Urban Economics and the Center for Research on Urban Policies and Housing (CIPUV) of the University Di Tella, believes that this fund could lift between 100 and 200 million dollars a year, about 2% of the annual income of the district

"Many have suggested that such an initiative was necessary by increasing the potential for construction in a considerable amount in the city, there has a lot of background in other cities, in all transport, infrastructure and housing for the city, "says the expert at Infobae.

Rosa Aboy Professor at the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of the UBA and the Institute of Public Policies of the City of Buenos Aires (iCiudad) explain: " Contrary to the current Town Planning Code, the new initiative does not use mathematical formulas to calculate plot constructibility, but it sets maximum heights, distinguishing districts "He added:" The highest peaks will be on the avenues, where high corridors will be 38 meters or ground floor and 11 floors ] In the medium density districts, the height will be 16 meters, which is equivalent to ground floor and 4 floors, and in low-density ones it will be possible to build a ground floor and up to 2 floors.The buildings of the tower are reserved for specific areas, on the Riachuelo. "

Goytia adds that it will also require disc uter "what is the recruitment strategy, how value is estimated, how it is collected, what will happen and who goes The official project for the city of Buenos Aires was presented this week to Commissions of the urbanism and the budget, remarks Infobae

. A work by Martim Smolka for the Lincoln Institute, collects case studies in Latin America that show how investment in drinking water in cities like Curitiba, Brasilia, and Recife, at Brazil, increases the value of land On the other hand, the densification authorized by the authorization to build five-storey buildings in the neighborhoods of homes in Bogotá increased the value of the floor up to 100% , depending on the economic stratum.

And it also includes examples of property badessment of better access to transportation: in the Colombian capital, the TransMilenio service contributed between 15% and 20% more to properties that were located a radius 1 km from one of the resorts. The ways to capture capital gains can be taxes, settlements or enhancement fees.

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