Prosecutor warns of serious environmental situation due to mining in Santander


The prosecutor's office informed of the environmental risk situation that could occur on the Mogoticos River (Santander) as it appears that two of the mining permits are located in a special protection zone of the river. environment.

Público warned of irregularities in the management of 7 titles and 4 mining permits on the Mogoticos River in the Santander region. Office of the Attorney General

The Public Prosecutor warned the National Mining Agency (ANM) and the Autonomous Regional Society of Santander against the environmental risk they run for irregularities in management of Seven Titles and Four Mining Licenses on the Mogoticos River in the Santander Region

The Attorney General's Office reported that, according to the constant complaints and warnings of the community and members of Mogotes City Council, the 39 exploitation is done directly in the bed of the river. . Reason why, the public prosecutor asked for a detailed badysis of the repeated nonconformities recorded in the Mining Code.

Apparently, as confirmed by the controlling entity, two of the mining licenses are in a special protection zone. This constitutes a lack in the standards established by the Territorial Ordinance (EOT) of the municipality.

(Read: The Mining Threat in Alto Putumayo)

After conducting a visit to the region, the Ministry The public was informed that since the environmental guidelines and regulations are not respected, the operation has brought down the levels of the bed of the bed.

"These strips must be built with a width of 5 meters, for a long time. variable and with a depth of excavation of 2 meters, taking advantage of the energy of the water course at certain times of the year, and induced sand and gravel are deposited without causing damage to the banks of the Mogotes River "said the Attorney General's Office, which also stated that when licenses are granted, the authorities must corroborate that the regulations governing the operation of the bed

Finally, Minister io Público emphasized the importance of regulating this environmental situation as soon as possible, since the Mogoticos River is part of the Páramos de Guantiva and La Rusia Forest Reserve [19659007] (This may interest you: the Constitutional Court prohibits mining in the country páramos)

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