Prosecutor's Office seizes people for corruption in Fonade – Investigación – Justicia


CTI units of the Office of the Prosecutor conducted operations to capture eight people linked to a corruption network in the Financial Development Projects Fund, (Fonade).

According to the investigation, it would be a criminal organization that won the award of contracts to Fonade to people who had relations with members of Congress, among them Senator Musa Besaile, captured, captured by the so-called "cartel" of the toga.

Irregularities reportedly recorded with housing contracts in Cundinamarca, Boyacá, Tolima, Norte Santander, Caldas, Antioquia, Quindío and Huila

The Office of the Prosecutor documented a contract awarded on May 8 2017 for 4,153 million pesos, for which bribes would have been paid by two people identified as Richard Nader and Ronald Ruiz de León, who would be intermediaries for Senator Besaile.

The investigation or is related to contracts of the National Hydrocarbons Agency or the Information and Communication Technology Fund.

The Fonade Scandals

The Fonade was also sprayed into the corruption scandal by which the former anti-corruption Luis Gustavo Moreno

According to Moreno, the former magistrate Francisco Javier Ricaurte and Senators Musa Besaile and Bernardo Ñoño & # 39; Elías Vidal – arrested for corruption in the judicial sector and in the Odebrecht case, respectively the election of the former director of the Fonade, Alfredo Bula Dumar, in order to transform the 39; institution in its bastion to move its political machinery

Bula arrived at this institution in March 2015 and left in mid-2016, in which he was called Ariel Alfonso Aduen Ángel, whose summary He was also questioned because of his proximity to the "Ñoño" and his allegations n with alleged links to paramilitaries. Aduen was in the institution until last August.

In addition to these statements by Moreno, the Comptroller's Office released a report last year that revealed Fonade's 1945-005 bad practices that in 2016 had signed 424 contracts in 2016 and the previous years 5.8. billions of pesos.

One of the disputed contracts is the one that the Fonade signed on December 17, 2012 with the Temporary Union of Berakah for the construction of the Sahagún stadium, for 14,491 million pesos, and whose legal representative at the time was Bula Dumar. It is striking that this same contract had to be extended 26 times, even at the time when Dumar was already in charge of the Fonade, and it was completed in July 2016.

Other The disorder of the Fonade is related to a megaproject on the island of Barú that began in 2005 and in which participated two private consortiums and the State.

This plan included a 1,000-unit tourist complex, two hotels, a shopping center and a golf course. But in 2015, after the Constitutional Court recognized the rights of the Afro communities living in the territory, and after several legal disputes, the viability of the project was compromised.

Thus, in August 2017 the badets of the megaproject were transferred completely to the Fonade and the lot became the main badet of the Fund, by adhering to its capital as property badets. investment for 82.866 million pesos.

The problem is that one of the properties that received the Fonade has precautionary measures, which complicated its titulación and could limit its use. This is the property called La Puntilla, which has a cost of 34,000 million pesos, which equates to 41.46% of the total value of goods received.

Although the Fund visited the lot last year and there is no risk of deterioration, the Office of the Controller badures that certain properties of Barú have "a risk of damage". 39, invasion, as well as a poor state of closure ", without the Fonade having considered in its financial statements the possibility that this property has suffered a devaluation due to a" loss due to deterioration ". The Monitor rejected the fact that the Fund did not conduct a business valuation to actually establish how much it was receiving after the liquidation of the company.

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