Puerto Rico bets on gold at baseball at the Central America and Caribbean Games


In Colombia, the magnificent Puerto Rican flag could make the history of the diamond, the Puerto Rican baseball team is a favorite of the Central American and Caribbean Games, seeking to demonstrate why the United Island is home to champions.

our strength is tangible and defensive; we have good options for the race, we have a well balanced team, it is important that in this game of pitching and defense complement each other, "said Juan Gonzalez" Igor "Gonzalez, former major league baseball player and coach. coaches worked two months to evaluate the 24 selected, among them young promises combined with experienced pitchers like Adalberto Flores and Fernando Cabrera, as well as high-level hitters like Randy Ruiz and Edgardo Báez 19659002] If you want receive the best information from the sports world, download the application now.
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" Here are a lot of young talents; In the picheo Anthony Seise is a left-handed boy, we also have Fernando Cruz another young boy, right, with good resources; all this combined with veterans who have had experience at the Major League level, from the bottom eball Triple-A in the United States, "says González.

Puerto Rico did not win a medal in the ball game in Central America. and the Caribbean since it's taken off in 2002 in El Salvador, but for the luxury soldiers in its ranks, this 2018 model has the potential to take it out of the stadium.

& # 39; & # 39; In this team we are balanced, we do not have the factor that something is stronger than another, if it is that we all have what is needed ", explains the l & # 39; former Boston Red Sox veteran Fernando Cabrera, who highlights the group's efforts after the pbadage of Hurricane Maria due to the island's if we could get here by getting up from the storm, this should serve as an incentive to reach the goal of winning the gold medal. & # 39; & # 39;

Adalberto Flores is one of the experienced Puerto Rico door launchers at the Games in Central America and the Caribbean. EFE

In this contest, which has become a showcase for players, baseball is played with the modality "round robin", all against all; in Barranquilla, Puerto Rico faces: Panama, Cuba, Colombia, Venezuela, Mexico, Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic.

& # 39; & # 39; The competition between countries is very strong, it is very good and it gives it good visibility. "Cabrera"

Puerto Rico, which presents the depth in the mound, will start this Saturday, July 21 against Venezuela, a rival that the coach himself "Igor" González considers important.

"All are great rivals for us, in baseball there is no small enemy, we have to look for this victory with a lot of positivism, Cuba is a great team, Colombia is enormously improved, and Venezuela continues to be a big group. "

From the big tent, Puerto Rican baseball players as receiver of Angels of Los Angeles Martín Maldonado have recognized superiority with which the island arrives to these games; Porto Veracruz 2014 Puerto Rico is ranked fourth behind the Dominican Republic (bronze), Nicaragua (silver) and Cuba (gold).

"We have a good group of guys who will give us a good role there, they have the talent to get to the end; the most important thing is to go out and compete, we have the right group to win the medal, "said Maldonado.

The Puerto Rico delegation, which had to contend with limited funds to bring the best of its athletes in Barranquilla, considers baseball to be one of the disciplines where the island has a good chance of getting on the podium.

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