Record against captured by case of toxic marmalade – Investigations – Justice


Mayors, deputies and contractors marched through a private office belonging to the former Coldeportes official Carlos Hernán Rivera Lozano, who offered the complete package so that the money of the indicative seats deputies end up in their areas after a chain The former official was one of eight captured by the prosecutor's office in Operation Toxic Marmalade and appointed to join a criminal organization that took advantage of the signing of an agreement to build a football field for $ 3,491 million. pesos in El Peñón, Bolivar. In this case, the investigating body has compiled copies to the Supreme Court of Justice to investigate Senator Antonio Jose Correa, who allegedly received the payment of a bribe from 12 percent of the contract.

A witness told the prosecutor's office that ConstruMent SAS, a company controlled by Rivera, operated in the office, obtained most of the "Coldeportes business" and negotiated quotas and provided technical advice to that the projects have been approved.

This appears in the macroinvestigation of the Office of the Prosecutor, which has already advanced other judicial chapters that engage other politicians and who for the first time put the magnifying glbad on budget items "that the government attributes discretion to members of Congress ".

In itself, this allocation of quotas is not illegal, as indicated by the Constitutional Court. But for the first time, the control agencies have clear clues about the looting of certain items and also the lucrative business of the sale of indicative quotas, which explains why in some political cases that have nothing to do with a region They end up taking jobs in these places.

The prosecutor's office ensures that it has been detected that individuals and regional leaders, including governors would have gone to offices of experts to structure projects that channel funds of Coldeportes and the Ministry of Prosperity. DPS)

"Normally, projects that had not been accepted by Coldeportes arrived at the office.As projects were developed during the term period because the calls were made on time, many municipalities were only to get the settlement without meeting the requirements. "Already with the resident, the mayor was looking for the politician who had the quota," said a witness. In a recording in the possession of the Office of the Prosecutor, two of the captured people are heard talking about a "senator" who has a few seats and who has appointments with four mayors to achieve the viability of a project in their homes. municipalities. "


" He (Senator Antonio Jose Correa) is asking for twelve (%) of the total amount and that already requires 60% of what he needs, because the political issue has started. 39, had proposed that with the signing of the agreement there was no problem, but he said that he is busy and that he needs to have a good time. money for Friday.I would have 50% of our share, but I've never worked with him and he's giving me something. "

That's one of the interceptions in which intermediary Vanessa Margarita Martelo, another of the captured, talks to businessman Carlos Celestino Martelo about the bribe that they should pay for. e member of Congress as part of the company with the quota for the field El Peñón. The entrepreneur replied that he would call the congressman: "Ready, we give him that, but let's talk and we put him together."

In the record there are conversations between Martelo and Mariela Margarita Trujillo, counselor of the Unit of Legislative Work of Senator Correa in which they even coordinate an appointment in the parliamentary office. The Office of the Prosecutor indicated that "the senator led a contractual process in which irregularities were committed" and, therefore, he asks the Court to conduct an investigation.

In May 2017, a year before the signing of the contract, according to the prosecutor's office, there is evidence of meetings between the senator, the leader of his UTL and one of the partners of the company having won the contract. contract It is also stated that the senator received two payments, the first in May 2017 and the second after the signing of the agreement.

The Office of the Prosecutor established that a few months ago, Mariela Margarita Trujillo, Congressional official, talk with other people about the existence of other contracts 5.1 billion pesos for other municipalities. They even talk of new agreements that they would be dealing with mayors from various parts of the country.


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