Rectors of seven universities, in favor of Transmilenio for the seventh


Rectors expressed their support for the project, which includes the construction of a 20-kilometer corridor between 32 and 200 streets. However, there are still voices against work.

Image of the appearance of the seventh race, at the height of 60th Street, with the entry into service of TM.
Urban Development Institute

At a time when there was a claim known supported by at least 2,000 people who opposed to the construction of Transmilenio for the seventh race a group of rectors of academic institutions – including those of Andes, Javeriana and Central – express their support for the project and emphasize that will facilitate the mobility of thousands of students, professors and administrative officials

(Read: Popular consultation to stop the Transmilenio for the seventh?)

It is the rectors of seven universities of the expanded center of Bogotá: the Andes, Javeriana, District, CESA, Tadeo Lozano, Rosario and Central, who were in favor of work, which involves the construction of a corridor by 20 kilometers Between streets 32 and 200, J acomp adds 400,000 square meters of sidewalks and public space and an 11-kilometer bike path.

According to Pablo Navas, Rector of the Andes, although universities have made efforts to improve their infrastructures and public spaces, This has been a great difficulty. "This floating population of hundreds of students will be the most favored.They will be able to come faster and more civilized by saving a lot of time ," says Navas

(Lea: District already definitive studies for Transmilenio for the Seventh Run)

In turn, Rafael Santos, rector of the Central University, said that the center of Bogotá is today the largest university campus in America Latin; however, it is devoid of a good public transportation system . "The project is a modern, convenient, fast and safe transportation alternative for all students," he said.

Fr. Jorge Humberto Peláez, Rector of Javeriana University, declared: privileging public transport and putting the good of the city above private interests. "He badured that by the institution and the hospital San Ignacio daily 30,000 people and that "it is impossible to expect everyone to arrive by private car "

(Read: Transmilenio for the seventh: what about the studies?)

As designed by the mayor's office, the project also includes the construction of four road bridges Three pedestrian bridges, three overpbades and 22 stations According to the District, "the average speed of the Seventh will increase for public transport and pbadenger cars, from 15 to 23 kilometers per hour "

The rectors' declarations coincide with a popular action [1945] 9012] filed by a citizen committee which opposes the project, warning that this would imply, inter alia, the intervention of the National Park by subtracting 4,000 square meters of historical area, added to the felling of several trees.

The Transmilenio for the Seventh Race is a project that dates from 2006. This year, during the office of Luís Mayor Eduardo Garzón, the first studies were made to build a spine thought as mobility solution for l & # 39; is. The obstacles he has faced since then have not changed: lack of space and land acquisition . With the return of Enrique Peñalosa to Palacio Liévano, the initiative was reactivated to such an extent that it was placed over others planned in the avenues of Cali, Boyacá or of 68.

(Read: Transmilenio for Seventh:

Voices against construction are heard from different sectors Ana Robledo, member of the committee "Defend the Seventh", ensures that the The beginning of the disagreement with the work is the small citizen participation. He admits that they had meetings with the District, but stresses that the democratic process was not what that they were waiting. "The mayor's office held meetings to ask us about the colors and names of the stations, but we find that they never asked us if we wanted this project or not."

The Citizens' Committee, which gave 5,000 posters in more than 250 buildings, claims to have no political colors, but a large organization composed of lawyers, urban planners, architects, engineers and economists, who will appreciate the proposal. "Neighbors are careful to evaluate different groups. Supporting a job without studies is an act of political irresponsibility" Robledo adds, which, nevertheless, leaves the door open for discussion with the District for discuss widely a sustainable mobility model. [19659008Whenthetheatricalisdeterminedtobringtheprojecttoasuccessfulconclusionitisnecessaryfortheopponents to take batteries for a fight that has already reached legal proceedings. For the moment, the streets are fortified in the streets intended to seek a consensus between the two parties in particular between neighbors and District

(Read: For and against Transmilenio for the Seventh)

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