Resources and political will, priorities for the PAR of the coffee region




Last Friday, the constitution of the Administrative Region of Planning (RAP) of the Coffee Region was signed in Armenia. The governors of Caldas, Risaralda and Quindío were present, what the experts in the field described as the first progress, because it demonstrated the political will of this constitution and the team work.

LE PATRIA consulted the RAP directors and delegates who exist in Colombia on the challenges and how to work the RAP Eje Cafetero so that he succeeds in the projects that will be presented.

The question arises because, although in Colombia there are already three such experiments, some scholars like Wodak Meneses argues that there are few results to show.

However, he points out that regionalization processes have just begun, and that studies and strategic plans will define what they should focus on.

For the Secretary of Caldas Plan, Juan Felipe Jaramillo Salazar, the goal is not to rest on their laurels, since the signing is an important step, but it is not all. The task now is to work and establish quick actions.

Political Will

Jesús Pérez, Delegate of the RAP Caribe

Departments: Atlántico, Bolívar, Magdalena, La Guajira, Sugar, Córdoba, Cesar.

"It is essential that the governors of the three departments have the political will, they are on the right track, because they quickly signed the constitution, and the challenge is to defend the interests of the region our RAP, because the first leaders have come together and are now working together to ensure good coordination.

The will can not only be protocolic through a signature, they must engage to conduct political negotiations at Congress of the Republic, Techniques and Logistics for Proper and Effective Structuring.

The Coffee Axis should focus on the creation of a Regional Strategic Plan, which will serve as a roadmap for determining how

Each RAP defines its forms of work and its objectives, but it is essential to work on axes related to the main objectives of the nation or to u world, such as fighting poverty, improving infrastructure structure, boosting economic productivity, cultural consolidation and the protection of ecosystems and the environment.

"Among the main challenges for PAR is better knowledge of the law and the resolution of legal gaps in the regulations that govern them, we need clearer rules, we are looking for a law that strengthens the planning exercises that come of regions and of PAR. "

Planning and Integration

Diego García, Director RAP Central Region

Departments: Tolima , Cundinamarca, Boyacá, Meta and Bogotá

"The consolidation of a RAP is a multi-stage road, first it starts with the political will, which is what has was demonstrated in the Axis, with the signing of the governors of Quindío, Risaralda and Caldas. Then you have to design the strategic plan and specify how to carry out these projects, which in the future will build a cultural identity.

In badociations, there is the strength for better equity and development that brings economic and social benefits to the Coffee Region. Although the results are not initially better, the signing is a political advance.

A recommendation for future governors, above partisan and political positions, is to work on signed agreements and make them a priority. Trust

United is the force, and with the RAP there is a better dialogue with the national government, because they know that we have arrived as a region, that we are stronger, unlike the US. arrival in a single department to apply. Among the advantages of RAP Eje Cafetero, there is a cultural affinity between Quindío, Risaralda and Caldas, which is also reflected in the economy and ease of work.

It is more difficult to work among the citizens of Tolima, Meta, Boyacá. What cultural identity do we have in common? We define it, but it is to find it common to strengthen it. "

Resources and Control

Camilo Lloreda Becerra, Manager of Pacific RAP

Departments: Cauca, Valle, Nariño and Chocó

"After signing, a manager must be set up to start the management and in the future the fruits of the RAP. They must also prepare for a complex administrative problem because they need locations for proper operation, accounting software, work teams, a logistics base, human talent, between others, which are necessary to achieve the goal. The missionary must plan

It must be ensured that those who do the planning work do not end up devoting themselves to things for which they do not have the capacity to be in logistics

. to $ 1,000 million. The contributions made for the RAP are those of the free destination of each governorate, the important thing is that the one who is appointed as director of RAP Eje Cafetero knock on doors to obtain resources and receive those of each government

. The Coffee Sector RAP must integrate the academic systems of each department, guilds, bademblies and citizen groups to plan the territory at about twenty years and that they also become regulators of progress .

The coffee grower must capitalize on the momentum of the president's change and wait for the new national development plan to build a stronger foundation in the RAP Eje Cafetero roadmap. "

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