Result of Tolima 1-0 America date 2 league eagle II-2018 – Colombian Football – Sports


Deportes Tolima's second win in La Liga II, with solvency and unhurried defeated Colombian champion in the Murillo Toro Manual in America with solitary annotation of the defender, Julián Quiñones

The process of the game was lifted of the defensive order on the part of the visitor, seeking to make density in the middle zone and not to let the circuit occur between the flyers and the only tip that Tolima Sports had on paper.

Therefore the constant contact and the generation of actions groups were the answer of the local, in one of these exits a corner kick is generated, Julián Quiñones directs and Pedro Franco intervenes in the trajectory of the ball with his arm, without doubting the referee, Gustavo Murillo sanctions the maximum penalty, the collection goes The man who from the 12 stages scored the goal of the title of Vinotinto y Oro, Marco Pérez cheats the goalkeeper Volpi but his shot went wide and America was saved, the minute ran 12.

The square was gradually controlled to the ball, gradually he was approaching the scarlet goal and heated the possibility of opening the partition.

At 31 minutes, A foul in the East sector, the ball into the charge is sent to the center of the area where Julián Quiñones appeared, who won the position to the red central players and a sent head the ball out of range of goalkeeper Volpi and scored the goal tolimense

America reacted shyly, but its lack of clarity did not allow it to reach the link, Tolima was cautious and at the pace of the game without losing the possession, to the point that Marco Perez had the opportunity to increase the count to 42 minutes, without fighting the champion went to rest partially win.

The local endured and was able to control the proposal of the rival

The team of Pedro Santos, released to attack, advanced lines but was not dynamic and he gave him the opportunity to react to the men of Tolima brand, who were waiting for the proposal of the opponent and he started the second half as the first completed, the physical badimilation of the new season was still noticeable, the intensity the game was not continuous. 19659002] America insisted on the quest for a draw, exploited the start with Pablo Armero and tried to create a link between Yesus Cabrera who had entered and points Dajome and Cox, but Tolima was in rapid transition had the space to attack and arrived with superiority to the rival zone

Tolima was convenient, orderly, with little space between their lines, cut the creative intent from the opponent who over the minutes fell into inaccuracies at the time of generating the last game, the task for those of Gamero was filled, win and bow at zero.

Six out of six, is the sum of points of Deportes Tolima at the beginning of the title defense, little by little is released from the physical part the Vinotinto and Oro that in its new version is shown plumb and effective.


Tolima 1 / America 0

Tolima: Álvaro Montero (6); Nilson Castrillón (6), Julián Quiñones (7), Sergio Mosquera (6), Danobis Banguero (6); Rafael Robayo (7 years old), Carlos Robles (6 years old), Rafael Carrascal (7 years old), Luis González (6 years old), Omar Albornoz (6 years old) and Marco Pérez (6 years old)
DT: Alberto Gamero.

America: Net Volpi (6); Jhonatan Perez (6), Danilo Arboleda (6), Anderson Zapata (6), Pablo Armero (6); Pedro Franco (5), Alejandro Bernal (6), Brayan Angulo (7), Jefferson Cuero (6); Cristian Dajome (6), Joseph Cox (5).
DT: Pedro Santos.

Match: Regular.

Changes in Tolima: Andrés Ramiro Escobar (5) by Luis González (15 ST), Carlos Rentería by Rafael Carrascal (33 ST), Jorge Ramos by Marco Pérez (39 ST).

Changes in America: Avid Rivas (5) by Pedro Franco (1 ST), Yesus Cabrera by Jefferson Cuero (16 ST), Jhon Quiñones by Brayan Angulo (41 ST).

In Tolima: Omar Albornoz (8 PT), Danobis Banguero (24 ST), Nilson Castrillón (44 ST).

Goals of Tolima: Julián Quiñones (31 PT),

Detail: At 12 minutes of the first time, Marco Pérez missed the maximum penalty.

Figure: Julian Quiñones (7).

Estadio : Manuel Murillo Toro.

] Approximately 9,000 spectators. [19659002] Box office: was not delivered

Referee: Gustavo Murillo (7)

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