Riots in Nantes after the death of a young man in a police register | Europe by day | DW


Uncontrolled youth groups clashed with police in the French city of Nantes on Tuesday night (03.07.2018) after a 22-year-old man was killed by police during a check road. The circumstances of the death are still under police investigation, but immediately triggered a wave of protests throughout the city, where cars were burned and even a shopping center burned in the Breil neighborhood, where reinforcements are expected and He was already on alert for an incident in which a military weapon might have been used.

The incident occurred around 8:30 pm, said Jean-Christophe Bertrand, the local police chief. The identity of the driver "was not clear and the agents were ordered to take him to the police station." Subsequently, the driver struck and slightly injured a police officer. "One of his companions opened fire, giving the young man who, unfortunately, died," Bertrand continued. The bullet hit him in the carotid artery and he was declared dead already in the hospital. Police sources confirm that the deceased later "refused to cooperate" during the check. (AFP)

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    Hamburg, scene of a pitched battle (07.2017)

    Police of Piles

    Nearly 20 thousand policemen were deployed in Hamburg at the G20 summit. As we can see, some of them were heavily armed. Their tasks have not been put off to protect the safety of the important guests, but also to cope with the demonstrations and control the outrages that have been unleashed in recent days.

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    Hamburg, scene of a pitched battle (07.2017)

    Field battles

    Although not all demonstrations were violent, many were defeated by the excesses violent groups and transformed the city into the realm of combat. The authorities were waiting for these scenarios, although this Saturday, July 8, the police acknowledged "never seen levels" of violence. At least 213 officers were injured, some with serious injuries

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    Hamburg, scene of a pitched battle (07.2017)

    Barricades and gas

    Clashes between altermondialist groups and forces of security they occurred in different areas of the city, and practically all the time. The most violent clashes were led by the so-called "black block", an anti-system group whose members are hooded. The police demanded that they reveal their identity, which gave rise to disputes.

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    Hamburg, scene of a pitched battle (07.2017)

    A city that suffers

    Nobody knows what flaw this bus stop has served, but he was a victim the violence of the clashes, as well as many storefronts, ATMs, ATMs, signs and all kinds of urban furniture that must now be replaced. The people most affected by this damage are the inhabitants of Hamburg.

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    Hamburg, scene of a pitched battle (07.2017)

    Night Violence

    Bicycles that were unlucky enough to be parked in the street, traffic signs and virtually all that was at hand was used to mount barricades that would hinder the action of the police. Authorities reported dozens of burned vehicles and 63 arrests only at dawn on Saturday.

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    Hamburg, scene of a pitched battle (07.2017)

    Fire in Hamburg

    The barricades eventually turn into flames, while violent groups throw stones, pieces of firewood, firecrackers and other fireworks to the security forces. In the district of Schanzenviertel, unusual scenes of violence have been experienced. Among the wounded, there is a policeman who has broken a firecracker in the face and could lose vision with one eye.

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    Hamburg, scene of a pitched battle (07.2017)

    Destruction and pillaging

    On Schulterblatt street, known for its cafes, restaurants and clothing stores, a Rewe supermarket was looted and destroyed by dozens of enthusiasts. The police were forced to deploy anti-riot groups to control a situation that was getting out of hand. Helicopters supported from the air. Hamburg had rarely seen scenes of this type

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    Hamburg, scene of a pitched battle (07.2017)

    What does this have to do with the G20?

    Not only did the Rewe supermarket suffer wrath from the hood. The Budnikowsky pharmacy was destroyed and destroyed by groups that also beat neighbors and ambulance medical personnel arriving at the site. The newspaper Die Welt spoke of an "absurd mix between civil war and happening" and agents saying that "it's a war".

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    Hamburg, scene of a pitched battle (07.2017)

    The police agitation

    The head of the Hamburg Police Union, Jan Reinicke, criticizes what "The situation demanded that the police extreme," said the leader, according to the weekly Der Spiegel. "Politics is the only one responsible for the large number of wounded agents and the destruction of the city," he added. For him it is clear that "Hamburg should never have been the seat of the G20 summit".

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    Hamburg, scene of a pitched battle (07.2017)

    To clean up this chaos

    The first lights of the day They left visible the extent of the damage. The situation is so serious that she has reached the political arena, where the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) has accused the mayor of Hamburg, Social Democrat Olaf Scholz, of having underestimated the ability of violent action. The police, meanwhile, carries out a door-to-door search for members of ultra-leftist groups

    Author: Diego Zúñiga

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