Robert Pattinson would leave the fangs of the vampire and become 'Batman'.


Apparently, Pattinson will finally leave the shadow of the vampire and have a bat soul, this, depending on the medium, for the upcoming movie "The Knight of the Night", which will be directed by Matt Reeves and which will be released in theaters on June 25, 2021.

After the definitive resignation of Ben Aflleck, who has seized the character since 2017, Reeves was free to choose the new Bruce Wayne, and is already negotiating with Robert to reach a definitive agreement, as the registrations would begin at the end of the year.


The film will be produced by Matt in collaboration with Dylan Clark and It aims to compensate for the bad drinks they've produced in the "Batman Vs. Superman" and "The Liga of Justicia" supporters.. If the contract with Pattinson was signed, the actor would become the youngest man to have embodied "The Knight of the Night".


Always ahead, not a step back! And whatever it takes, be u201d


His brother, former Senator Juan Manuel Galónu, badured his side that he would now go to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR).





The Council of State was responsible for permanently denying him the legal personality of the party created by the badbadinated presidential candidate, after the National Electoral Council had already done so a few weeks ago.



not not Nuevo Liberalismo not not



In relation


The new liberalism has lost another battle, but not the war?



  • not not
  • not

  • not not
  • not




This high court explained that the electoral authority annulled the legal personality of the party in 1988 at the express request of its leader to the maximum, Luis Carlos Galin Sarmiento, following the reinstatement of the Liberal Party u201d.

n "," you can always interest ":[{"image_desktop":"","image_mobile":"","link":"/nacion/consejo-nacional-electoral-volvio-negarle-personeria-nuevo-liberalismo-PP630244","title":"Nuevo Liberalismo perdiu00f3 otra batalla, u00bfpero no la guerra?","alt":"Imagen de referencia"},{"image_desktop":"","image_mobile":"","link":"/nacion/suspenden-fallo-que-anulo-eleccion-antanas-mockus-PP696226","title":"u00a1Se ilusionan Mockus y sus seguidores! Suspenden fallo que anulu00f3 su elecciu00f3n al Congreso","alt":"Antanas Mockus"},{"image_desktop":"","image_mobile":"","link":"/nacion/consejo-estado-anula-eleccion-aida-merlano-senado-PP696760","title":"Tumban elecciu00f3n de Au00edda Merlano, acusada de comprar votos para llegar al Senado","alt":"Au00edda Merlano"},{"image_desktop":"","image_mobile":"","link":"/nacion/ciuidadano-recibio-comparendo-por-grabar-procedimiento-policia-PP696735","title":"u00a1Siguen las multas irracionales! Ahora fue a un joven que grabu00f3 operativo de Policu00eda","alt":"Policu00eda de Colombia"}], "audio": "https: / / / pulzo-lite / audios /PP696866.mp3", "chronological": 0}, {"id": "PP696814", "titles" ": {" main ":" The popularity of the government is close to its historic majority in May "," facebook ":" In May, the opinion of Colombians on the government was the second worst in its nine months of management . "," seo ":" In May, the popularity of Ivú Duque "}," sentences ": {" main ":" Regarding the latest survey, in February, the approval of the direction of the agent went from 42% to 32%, while his disapproval went from 48% to 60%. "}," Categories ": {" main ": {" slug ":" nation " , "name": "Nation"}, "urls": {"main": " / nation / may-fall-popularity-ivan-duque-PP696814"}, "author": {"creator": {" user ":" miguel.galvis "," name ":" Miguel Galvis "}," owner ": null}," published ":" 1 "," type ":" article "," created ": 1558048566," mis up to date ": 1558049094," images ": {" meta ": {" title ":" Ivory Duque Presidente "," credit ":" "," description ":" IDENTITY OF COLOMBIA Ivé Duque. "," Alt ":" Presidente Ivà © Duque "," file ":" https: / / / images / 20190516222931 ivan-duque1. jpg "}," types ": {" thumb ":" https: / / / images / 20190516222931 ivan-duque1-150x150.jpg "," mobile ":" https: //">"medio":"https:/d/ - duque1-420x278.jpg "," large ":" https: / / / images / 20190516222931 /ivan-duque1-900x485.jpg "," vertical ":" https: / / / images / 20190516222931 /ivan-duque1-240x320.jpg "," opening ":" https: / / / images / 20190512292931 / / duque1-592x350 .jpg "," gif ":" "}}," censor ":" 0 "," unpublishImage ":" 0 "," videos ": {" main ": null}," externalUrl ":" "," carousel ":" 0 "," tags ":["Gobierno Nacional","Ivu00e1n Duque"], "trinoTW": "", "liveblog": "0", "shorthand": "", "sources":[{"title":"Aprobaciu00f3n del presidente Duque cae 10 puntos en mediciu00f3n de Gallup Poll","url":"","source":"Blu Radio"}], "related":[""], "body2": " n n

This is true, it is important to keep in mind that the investigation, completely revealed by Blu Radio, was taken between May 2 and 11, so this shows no impact of this week's events, such as the non-extradition of the former guerrillas u2018Jes u2018Jes u20fas Santrich u2019, the resignation of Prosecutor Nuku Humberto Mart. please.


He still posts Duque's second-lowest records in nine months of government, after his disapproval reached 64% and his approval was only 29% last December; contrasting with a slight recovery at this year's first consultation.



not not Ivu00e1n Duque y u00c1lvaro Uribe not not



In relation


Duque's favors continue to increase, while Uribe's picture collapses: Gallup



  • not not
  • not

  • not not
  • not




In the same vein, only 19% of Colombians expressed optimism about the country's situation, while 70% said they felt the situation worsened.


Pessimism also persists, and with great differences, with regard to problems such as corruption, the economy, unemployment, drug trafficking, the cost of living, insecurity, the environment, health and poverty.


Opinion remains negative, but less so with regard to guerrilla and demobilization, while badistance to children and the elderly, education, agriculture and public services remain pessimistic, but with a difference. u00ednfima. However, only the management of international relations, housing and transport is perceived positively.


Among the other members of the government, Marta Luc 'Ram has a positive image of 42%, against 32%. Chancellor Holmes Trujillo also retains a favorable rating of 29% against 19%.


On the contrary, the Minister of Finance, Alberto Carrasquilla, has a negative image of 28% against a favorable score of 12%. Defense Minister Guillermo Botero, against whom a motion of censure was presented to Congress, has a very similar image of 15% for and 14% against.


Here is the technical tab of the survey:





n "," you can always interest ":[{"image_desktop":"","image_mobile":"","link":"/nacion/encuesta-gallup-sobre-imagen-ivan-duque-PP657299","title":"Favorabilidad de Duque continu00faa en aumento, mientras imagen de Uribe baja: Gallup","alt":"Imagen de referencia"},{"image_desktop":"","image_mobile":"","link":"/nacion/embajador-estados-unidos-elogio-nestor-humberto-martinez-PP696101","title":"Embajador de EE.UU. se derrite en elogios a Nu00e9stor Humberto Martu00ednez tras su renuncia","alt":"Kevin Whitaker y Nu00e9stor Humberto Martu00ednez"},{"image_desktop":"","image_mobile":"","link":"/nacion/ataque-con-granada-taraza-antioquia-PP696764","title":"Ataque con granada en un local deja un muerto y 7 heridos en Tarazu00e1, Antioquia","alt":"Granada"},{"image_desktop":"","image_mobile":"","link":"/nacion/carcel-esposa-alcalde-mariquita-por-estafa-con-viviendas-PP696678","title":"Descubren cu00f3mo fue estafa con la que se hizo millonaria exprimera dama tolimense","alt":"Captura de exprimera dama de Mariquita"}], "audio": "https: / / / pulzo-lite / audios /PP696814.mp3"}, {"id": "PP696827", "titles": {"main" : "Egan Bernal has resumed training in record time after his break with the claw", "Facebook": "We are in front of a special series", "seo": "Egan Bernal resumes training after his fracture of the clavule "}," sentences ": {" principal ":" The Colombian cyclist of the Ineos team returned to the bike nine days only after the injury that took him away "Du Giro from Italia. "}," Categories ": {" main ": {" slug ":" sports "," name ":" Sports "}}," urls ": {" main ":" / "sports / egan-bernal-returns-train-then-your-fracture-clavicle-PP696827 "}," author ": {" creator ": {" user ":" sergio.jacome "," name ":" Sergio Jacome " }, "owner": null}, "published": "1", "type": "article", "created": 1558046170, "updated": 1558046170, "images": {"meta": {" title ":" Egan Bernal "," credit ":" Instagram @EganBernal "," description ":" Egan Bernal "," alt ":" Egan Bernal "," file ":" https: / / / images / 20190504172702 /egan-bernal.jpg "}," types ": {" thumb ":" https: / / / images / 20190504172702 / eganbernal-150x150.jpg "," mobile " : "https: / / / images / 20190504172702 /egan-bernal-280x185.jpg", "support": "https: / / / images /20190504172702/egan-bernal-420x278.jpg "," large ":" https: / d / / images / 51/20140470270270 -820x485.jpg "," vertical ":" https: / / / images / 20190504172702 /egan-bernal-240x320.jpg "," aperture ":" https: / / / images / 20190504172702 / egan -bernal-592x350.jpg "," gif ":" "}}," censor ":" 0 "," unpublishImage ":" 0 "," videos ": {" main ": null}," externalUrl ":" "carousel": " 0 "," tags ":["Ciclismo colombiano","Egan Bernal"], "trinoTW": "", "liveblog": "0", "shorthand": "", "sources":[{"title":"Egan Bernal entrena tras su fractura de clavu00edcula","url":"","source":"AFP"}], "related":[""], "body2": " n n

The fracture of Bernal's clavula was announced by the Ineos team on May 4. Thanks to her, the zipaquere u00f1o had the desire to be the leader of his team for the first time on a grand tour, but this initial blow does not remove the desire to continue to prepare for the story.


The website specializing in cycling cycling.sportrightnow highlighted this Thursday the positive feelings towards the training of the young Colombian 22 years old who was quick to pedal again, in his case, practicing in the mountains of Andorra.



Bernal, winner of Paris-Nice in March this year, has a mission repeat the good role that he had in the Tour de France last year, where you will share a team with the last two winners of the Grand Loop, the British Geraint Thomas (2018) and Chris Froome (2017).


In addition, for his unexpected defeat in the Giro d'Italia, Egan will make u2018doblete u2019 Tour-Vuelta. After the Tour de France, the Colombian will prepare and seek a privileged position in the Tour of Spain.

n "," you can always interest ":[{"image_desktop":"","image_mobile":"","link":"/deportes/valerio-conti-destrona-liderato-giro-italia-primoz-roglic-PP696245","title":"u00a1Revolcu00f3n en el Giro! Roglic perdiu00f3 el liderato; u2018Supermu00e1nu2019 saliu00f3 del u2018topu00b410u2019","alt":"Imagen de referencia"},{"image_desktop":"","image_mobile":"","link":"/deportes/ivan-arboleda-suena-para-llegar-millonarios-PP695480","title":"Elogios de Arboleda a Millonarios; podru00eda ser el remplazo de Faru00edu00f1ez","alt":"Ivu00e1n Arboleda"},{"image_desktop":"","image_mobile":"","link":"/deportes/tolima-gano-nacional-cuadrangulares-liga-aguila-2019-PP696807","title":"u00a1Tolima y Gamero tienen dominado a Nacional! Volvieron a ganar el Medellu00edn","alt":"Deportes Tolima"},{"image_desktop":"","image_mobile":"","link":"/deportes/lazio-derroto-atalanta-final-copa-italia-2019-PP695829","title":"[Video] Duv & Zapata missed goals and lost the final of the Cup of Italy "," alt ":" Duva Zapata "}], "audio": "0", "chronological": 0}, {"id": "PP696775", "titles": {"main": "To have danced with another man, a teacher of the ICBF was murdered by her husband "," facebook ":" The apiece in a party. "," Seo ":" A man murdered his wife because he danced with a other man "}," sentences ": {" principal ":" The victim was identified as Aida Islena Montenegro, 36 years old and working for the Colombian Institute for Family Welfare, Tambo, in the Cauca. "}," Categories ": {" main ": {" slug ":" nation "," name ":" nation "}}," urls ": {" main ":" / nation / murderer- sa-woman-because-that-i-dance-with-another-man-PP696775 "}," author ": {" creator ": {" user ":" paola.paez "," name ":" Paola Paez "}," owner ": null}," published ":" 1 "," type ":" article "," created ": 1558040080," updated ": 1558040080," images ": {" purpose ": {"title": "Aida Islena Montenegro", "credit": "F acebook "," description ":" Aida Islena Montenegro "," alt ":" Aida Islena Montenegro "," file ":" https: / / / images / 20190516205311 /profesora1.jpg "}," types ": {" inch ":" https: / / / images / 20190516205311 /profesora1-150x150.jpg "," mobile ":" https: / / / images / 201905202019./profesora1-280x185.jpg "," medium ":" https: / / / images / 20190516205311 /profesora1-420x278.jpg "," large ":" https: / "/", "vertical": "https: / / / images / 20190516201111 / "," opening ":" https: / / / images / 20190516205311 /profesora1-592x350.jpg "," gif ":" "}}," censorship ":" 0 "," unpublishImage ":" 0 "," videos ": {" main ": null}," externalUrl ":" "," carousel ":" 0 "," tags ":["Cauca","Feminicidio"], "trinoTW": "", "liveblog": "0", "shorthand": "", "sources":[{"title":"Docente del ICBF saliu00f3 a bailar durante una fiesta y acabu00f3 muerta tras reclamo de su expareja","url":"","source":"Noticias Caracol"},{"title":"Docente es asesinada por su pareja quien le reclamu00f3 por bailar con otra persona","url":"","source":"Blu Radio"},{"title":"Asesinan a una profesora en zona rural de El Tambo, Cauca","url":"","source":"W Radio"}], "related":["",""], "body2": " n n

The Prosecutor's investigation revealed that everything was caused by an attack of jealousy in the middle of an evening at his home in the village of La Uribe, indic News Caracol:


According to the first investigations, a strong discussion would take place between the victim and his former emotional partner, who would have wounded the woman with a sniper in the appropriate area. tx u20f.


The woman was helped by the people who attended the event and managed to transfer her to El Tambo Hospital, but she lost her life because of the severity of the injury. meanwhile, the attacker has fled the scene and remains cautious.



Blu Radio said the victim was working in an ICBF house and was specializing in early childhood education. The chain also said that women's advocates had requested the maximum punishment for the attacker.


At the same time, the secretary of the Government of Cauca, Ricardo Cifuentes, said that the body was already in the power of Legal Medicine, in Popay, and had ruled out the fact that it was about the same. an attack or action against him. Social leaders, a radio.

n "," you can always interest ":[{"image_desktop":"","image_mobile":"","link":"/nacion/ciuidadano-recibio-comparendo-por-grabar-procedimiento-policia-PP696735","title":"u00a1Siguen las multas irracionales! Ahora fue a un joven que grabu00f3 operativo de Policu00eda","alt":"Imagen de referencia"},{"image_desktop":"","image_mobile":"","link":"/nacion/carcel-esposa-alcalde-mariquita-por-estafa-con-viviendas-PP696678","title":"Descubren cu00f3mo fue estafa con la que se hizo millonaria exprimera dama tolimense","alt":"Imagen de referencia"},{"image_desktop":"","image_mobile":"","link":"/nacion/que-va-dedicar-nestor-humberto-martinez-despues-fiscalia-PP696213","title":"Twitter y u2018abuelazgou2019, entre las cosas a las que se dedicaru00e1 ahora el exfiscal Martu00ednez","alt":"Nu00e9stor Humberto Martu00ednez"},{"image_desktop":"","image_mobile":"","link":"/nacion/renuncia-fiscal-es-crisis-no-caos-dicen-senadores-PP696057","title":"Senadores bajan el drama a renuncia del fiscal: "estamos ante una crisis, no ante un caos"","alt":"Nu00e9stor Humberto Martu00ednez"}], "audio": "0", "chronological": 0}, {"id": "PP696804", "titles": {"main": "The time Luisa Fernanda W went to the X Factor & And was informed to continue making videos "," facebook ":" # Entertainment Unconvincing for juries. "," Seo ":" Luisa Fernanda W's audition video for XF Factor "} , "sentences": {"main": "In social networks, a video circulates in which the influencer appears to audition for said musical reality of the RCN chain, it was recorded in 2015."}, "categories ": {" main ": {" slug ":" entertainment "," name ":" entertainment "}}," urls ": {" main ":" / entertainment / video-audition-luisa-fernanda-w -for-factor-xf-PP696804 "}," author ": {" creator ": {" user ":" lorena.duran "," name ":" Lorena Duran "}," owner ": null}," published ":" 1 "," type ":" article "," created ": 1558046270," updated ": 1558046633," images ": {" meta ": {" title ":" Luisa Fernanda W "," credit " ":" Instagra m @luisafernandaw "," description ":" Luisa Fernanda W, influencer. "," Alt ":" Luisa Fernanda W "," file ":" https: / / d2yoo3qu6vrk5d.cloudfro / images / 20190516223541 / 423985827_339911279893070_2 / 2/2/1/2/2/2/2/2/2/2/2 / "/" / "/" / "/" / "/" images "/ 13/20 / / "https: / / / images / 20190516223541 /43985827_339911279893070_22029236766407_n-240x320.jpg", "being processed", /43985827_339911279893070_2202923676413566407_n-592x350.jpg "," gif ":" "}} , "censor": "0", "unpublishImage": "0", "videos": {"main": {"principal": "0", "external", "no". "," carous them ":" 0 "," tags ":["Factor X","Luisa Fernanda W"], "trinoTW": "", "liveblog": "0", "shorthand": "", "sources":[{"title":"Colombia Clic","url":"","source":"Instagram"}], "related":["",""], "body2": " n n

In the film, Andrea Serna, presenter of the contest in her family version of Factor XF u2019, announces to the u2018youtuber u2019 that she is performing a piece of the song "I'm waiting for you u2019 Shakira.


I wait until you sit in the usual corner and more arranged than it was on a Friday, can not influence the influencer.


S & # 39; follows the confused faces of Marbelle, Juan Carlos Coronel, Reykon and Joshua Gaviria. The latter however takes the lead with despair and recommends it to Luisa Fernanda will continue to work as u2018youtuber u2019.


"What are you doing with the videos on the Internet, please?", Exclaimed Gaviria.


It should be noted that it was a scene performed by Luisa Fernanda with the help of the juries of the reality show.



However, Luisa Fernanda W is currently working on her singing career and that is why she has signed a contract withFull Circle Entertainment, an agency of musical artists including Pipe Bueno, Pasabordo and Marbelle.


Then the dramatized Luisa with Marbelle, Juan Carlos Coronel, Reykon and Joshua Gaviria:














See this post on Instagram





















#EntertainmentAndClic u00bfYou have sometimes been told no? YouTuber Luisa Fernada W was not informed in the X Factor a few years ago. But it should be noted that this video was recorded by her intentionally and actively to reach the public, because at that time, she was dedicated to the creation of this type of content. What is paradoxical is that, even if Joshua Gaviria advised him to the contrary, a few years later, @luisafernandaw finally became serious because he has already taken several musical singles and is now invited to the most important musical awards among Latinos, such as Billboard. The young woman follows courses in vocal technique and concentrates her career in the same way, in the example where dreams come true. u2022 u2022 u2022 u2022 u2022 #musica #luisafernandaw #canto #factorx #colombia #andreaserna #josegaviria #canto #talue #sue u00f1os #news #aunclic


A post shared by A click (@colombiaclic) on




n "," you can always interest ":[{"image_desktop":"","image_mobile":"","link":"/entretenimiento/ana-castillo-no-sabe-cuantos-novios-ha-tenido-sus-20-anos-PP696774","title":"u00bfA Ana del Castillo no le alcanzan los dedos para contar a sus exnovios?","alt":"Imagen de referencia"},{"image_desktop":"","image_mobile":"","link":"/entretenimiento/luisa-fernanda-w-aclara-si-tiene-romance-con-pipe-bueno-PP695897","title":"[Video] Luisa Fernanda W dispels doubts about the alleged love story with Pipe Bueno "," alt ":" Reference Picture "}, {" image_desktop ":" https: / / / images / 20190516213043 / 20190516213043 / director-colombianos-280x185.jpg "," image_mobile ":" https: / / / images / 20190516213043 /directores-colombianos-150x150.jpg " , "link": "" "/ entertainment / directors-cine-colombian-protestants-cannes-por-muerte-colleagues-PP696790", "title": "Colombian directors protest against the Cannes carpet at the death of the filmmaker in Arauca "," alt ":" Colombian directors and actors protest at the Cannes Film Festival "}, {" image_desktop ":" https: / / / images / 20190516122342 / roberto-taylor- productor-y-composer-y-gustavo-bolivar-senador-y-libretista-280x185.jpg "," image_mobile ":" https: / / / image s / 20190516122342 / roberto-taylor-productor-y-composer-y-gustavo-bolivar-senador-y-libretista-150x150.jpg "," link ":" / entertainment / permission-gustavo-bo livar- "Where is Gustavo Bolúvar and why did he ask Congress's permission?" "," alt ":" Roberto Taylor, producer and composer, and Gustavo Bol u00edvar, Senator and Librettist. "}], "audio": "0"}, {"id": "PP696823", "titles": {"main": " u201cWhat's looking for another woman u201d: RCN Express, about your ex -Great friend Cristian Better "," facebook ":" In addition, specify whether she was unfaithful or not. "," seo ":" Tatiana Franco, expressor of the MRC, says that Cristian Better was not unfaithful " }, "sentences": {"main": "Although Tatiana Franco, like the name of the journalist, badures her of all that her ex does not unfaithful to her, she specified that she would only work not." together. "}," categories ": {" main ": {" slug ":" entertainment "," name ":" Entertainment "}}," urls ": {" main ":" / entertainment / tatiana -franco- expresentadora-rcn-dice-that-cristian-better-no-fue-infiel-PP696823 "}," author ": {" creator ": {" user ":" yenifer.gordo "," name ":" Yenifer Gordo " }, "owner": null}, "published": "1", "type": "article", "created": 1558047559, "updated": 1558047583, "images": {"meta": {" title ":" Tatiana Franco and Cristian Better "," credit ":" Instagram: @tatiana_franko "," description ":" Tatiana Franco and C ristian Better "," alt ":" Tatiana Franco and Cristian Better "," file " : "https: / / / images / 20190516225512 / tatiana-franco-and-cristian-better. jpg "}," types ": {" thumb ":" https: / / / images / 20190516225512 / tatiana-franco-y-cristian-better-150x150.jpg "," mobile " ":" https: / / / images / 20190516225512 /tatiana-franco-y-cristian-better-280x185.jpg "," support ":" https: / / d2yoo3qu6vrk5d. / images / 20190516225512 /tatiana-franco-y-cristian-better-420x278.jpg "," large ":" https: / / / images / 20190516225512 / tatiana-franco-and-cristian-better-900x485.jpg "," vertical ":" https: / / / images / 20190516225512 / tatiana-franco-and-cristian-better-240x320 .jpg "," opening ":" https: / / / images / 20190516225512 / tatiana-franco-y-cristian-better-592x350.jpg "," gif ":" "" "}," censor ":" 0 "," unpublishImage ":" 0 "," videos ": {" main ": null}," externalUrl ":" "," carous ":" 0 "," tags " :["Cristiu00e1n Better"], "trinoTW": "Tatiana Franco, expressor of the MRC, said that Cristian Better did not put the" kosts "," liveblog ":" 0 "," shorthand ":" "," sources ":[{"title":"Cristian Better y Tatiana Franco explican en exclusiva por quu00e9 se acabu00f3 su relaciu00f3n","url":"","source":"Cbad 1, Lo su00e9 todo"}], "related":["",""], "body2": " n n

u201cThis was not for u2018cachos u2019. We have not understood anything and it is a very private affair; it's not fair that you give the image as u00f1 u201d, began by explaining Tatiana, who had a relationship with the singer for more or less 4 years.


However, I took advantage of the opportunity to clarify the way that the breakup was not only in love, but that the labor problems they handled as a team also ended. u201cYou have to take a distance everywhere u201d.



not not Cristiu00e1n Better, cantante, y Tatiana Franco, presentadora. not not



Connected to the art


There was no cachos: the singer says she does not cheat RCN's voice



  • not not
  • not

  • not not
  • not




The communicator said that they had reached this extreme in u201cMental Health u201d, because at this moment, it seems to me necessary to take a distance in all aspects, for that I added u201cWhether you are looking for a housekeeperIt is she who represented it.


Apparently, the couple has had a lot of work projects together regarding the artist's career, but feels that the healthiest at the moment is that it is guided by a different person from Tatiana.



not not Tatiana Franco y Laura Acuu00f1a, con algunos de sus compau00f1eros de 'Muy buenos du00edas'. not not




With the words of the representative of the MRC, the version of Cristian will be corroborated. This one commented on the same support that the jam had given him the u2018cachos u2019, also clarifying rumors of alleged unfaithfulness on the part of ua1l.

n "," you can always interest ":[{"image_desktop":"","image_mobile":"","link":"/entretenimiento/cristian-better-niega-haberle-sido-infiel-tatiana-franco-ex-rcn-PP696587","title":"Cristian Better da su versiu00f3n sobre el fin de su noviazgo con Tatiana Franco","alt":"Imagen de referencia"},{"image_desktop":"","image_mobile":"","link":"/entretenimiento/tatiana-franco-ex-rcn-termino-con-cantante-cristian-better-por-infidelidad-PP694986","title":"Expresentadora de RCN terminu00f3 con su famosa pareja... u00bfpor infiel?","alt":"Imagen de referencia"},{"image_desktop":"","image_mobile":"","link":"/entretenimiento/directores-cine-colombianos-protestan-cannes-por-muerte-colega-PP696790","title":"Directores colombianos protestan en alfombra de Cannes por muerte de cineasta en Arauca","alt":"Directores y actores colombianos protestan en Festival de Cannes"},{"image_desktop":"","image_mobile":"","link":"/entretenimiento/trailer-quinta-temporada-black-mirror-PP695703","title":"Miley Cyrus protagoniza tru00e1iler de la quinta temporada de u2018Black Mirroru2019","alt":"Miley Cyrus"}], "audio": "https: / / / pulzo-lite / audios /PP696823.mp3"}, {"id": "PP696782", "titles": {"main" : "I arrived dressed as a fiancée at La Picota and I stole glances at those who were waiting u2018Santrich u2019", "facebook": "He was going to marry an inmate who is still many years old" . "," seo ":" A woman disguised as a wife enters La Picota and everyone expects "Jesus Santrich & # 39; "}," phrases ": {" main ":" The particular moment was played by a woman I entered the penitentiary to celebrate her marriage to a man who is confined to it. "}," Categories ": {" main ": {" slug ":" nation "," name ":" Naci u00f "}}," urls ": {" main ":" / nation / wife- dressed-girlfriend-go-picota-all-waiting-jesus-santrich-PP696782 "}," author ": {" creator ": {" user ":" jeey.cruz "," name ":" Jeey Cruz "} , "owner": null}, "published": "1", "type": "article", "created": 1558042316, "update": 1558042316, "images": {"purpose": {"title ":" woman disguised as a girlfriend at La Picota "," credit ":" RCN Radio and News Caracol video capture "," description ":" The woman came in while dozens of people were waiting for the departure of & # 39; Santrich & # 39; "," alt ":" A woman disguised as a wife in La Picota "," file ":" https: / / / images / 20190516212437 /santricho1.jpg "}," types " : {"thumb": "https: / / / images /20190516212437/santricho1-150x150.jpg", "mobile": "https: / / / 20190516212437 /santricho1-280x185.jpg "," medium ":" medium ":" https: "//", ">": https: / d / / images / 51404 .jpg "," vertical ":" https: / / / images / 20190516212437 / santricho1-240x320.jpg " , "open": "https: / / net / images / 20190516212437 /santricho1-592x350.jpg "," gif ":" "}}," censor ":" 0 "," unpublishImage ":" 0 "," videos ": {" main ": null}, "externalUrl": "", "carousel": "0", "tags":["Jesu00fas Santrich","Matrimonio"], "trinoTW": "", "liveblog": "0", "shorthand": "", "sources":[{"title":"Mujer llegu00f3 a La Picota vestida de novia para casarse con un preso","url":"","source":"RCN Radio"},{"title":"Sentenciados a 25 au00f1os de cu00e1rcel por extorsiu00f3n","url":"","source":"Fiscalu00eda General de la Naciu00f3n"}], "related":["",""], "body2": " n n

A camera RCN radio recording u00f3 the moment the woman arrives at the prison with a long white dress and a bouquet of red roses in her hands.


The woman stops for a moment before crossing the fence and a smile appears on her face, He knows he has stolen all the eyes of those who are waiting for the departure of the former leader of the Santrich guerrilla.


They said, the marriage is with the detainee Wilton Yudiston Garc at Buitrago. When you check this name in the tax file, you read the following: He was sentenced in April 2013 to 25 years in prison for extortion.


This, because the Prosecutor and were one of the u201cocho gang members devoted to the extortion of informal and organized traders u201d 'Medd u201d'; according to the press release.



But the woman does not care to remember this antecedent amid her happiness, since she was one of the few women to have the privilege of being able to enter La Picota.


And, according to the Capital Channel, several women and relatives of detainees have come to this site with the intention of bringing them food and personal hygiene items, but they do were not allowed.


They claimed that they were delaying entry to La Picota because the guards, by and large, they told them that until Santrich had not come out that door, they could not enter u201d, explained the journalist of this media.

n "," you can always interest ":[{"image_desktop":"","image_mobile":"","link":"/nacion/hombre-asesino-su-esposa-porque-bailo-con-otro-hombre-PP696775","title":"Por bailar con otro hombre, profesora del ICBF fue asesinada por su esposo","alt":"Imagen de referencia"},{"image_desktop":"","image_mobile":"","link":"/nacion/ciuidadano-recibio-comparendo-por-grabar-procedimiento-policia-PP696735","title":"u00a1Siguen las multas irracionales! Ahora fue a un joven que grabu00f3 operativo de Policu00eda","alt":"Imagen de referencia"},{"image_desktop":"","image_mobile":"","link":"/nacion/ataque-con-granada-taraza-antioquia-PP696764","title":"Ataque con granada en un local deja un muerto y 7 heridos en Tarazu00e1, Antioquia","alt":"Granada"},{"image_desktop":"","image_mobile":"","link":"/nacion/revocan-casa-por-carcel-alberto-santofimio-tendra-que-ir-prision-PP696733","title":"Quitan casa por cu00e1rcel a exministro Santofimio y tendru00e1 que volver a prisiu00f3n","alt":"Alberto Santofimio"}], "audio": "0", "chronological": 0}, {"id": "PP696807", "titles": {"main": "Tolima and Gamero dominated Nacional! They won again in Medell " "," facebook ":" Since the end of last year, this rivalry has become a monologue. "," seo ":" Tolima won the victory against Nacional at the La Liga circuit "2019"}, "phrases": {"main": "The teams of vinotinto and oro won the match corresponding to the second date of the last quadrangles of the Liga u00c1guila and gan u00f3 by 2 to 1. "Categories" ": {" main ": {" slug ":" sports "," name ":" sports "}}," urls ": {" main ":" / sports / tolima-gano-nacional-quadrangular-liga -aguila-2019-PP696807 "}," author ": {" creator ": {" user ":" sergio.jacome "," name ":" Sergio Jacome "}," owner ": null}," published ":" 1 "," type ":" article "," created ": 1558044595," updated ": 1558044631," images ": {" but ": {" title ":" Tolima Sports "," credit ":" AFP "," description ":" Deportes Tolima "," alt ":" Deportes Tolima "," file ":" https : / / / images / 20181 113112450 /000_15r9xr.jpg "}," types ": {" thumb ":" https: / / / images / 20181 113112450 /000_15r9xr-150x150.jpg "," mobile ":" https: / / / images / 20181113112450 /000_15r9xr88x162.jpg "," medium ":" https: / / / images / 20181113242 000_15r9xr-482x320.jpg "," large ":" https: / / / images / 20181113112450 /000_15r9xr-768x485.jpg "," vertical ":" https: / / / / d2yyd / images / 20181113112450 /000_15r9xr-240x320.jpg "," open ":" https: / / / images / 20181113112450 / 201_15r9xr-768x470. "gif": ""}}, "censor": "0", "unpublishImage": "0", "videos": {"main": null}, "externalUrl": "", "carousel": "0 "," tags ":["Alberto Gamero","Atlu00e9tico Nacional","Deportes Tolima","Liga u00c1guila"], "trinoTW": "", "liveblog": "0", "shorthand": "", "sources":[], "related":[""], "body2": " n n

In this way, Tolima won his fourth consecutive victory against Nacional (three of them at Atanasio Girardot stadium). Since the u2018pijaos u2019 celebrated their second star in the final of the Liga 2018-1, Tolima has always won at Verdolagas.


Thursday, the local went ahead, with a goal from Vladimir Hernau in the 17th minute. However, Nacional fans could not celebrate much their partial advantage as their captain, Alexis Henr hand in the area that resulted in a penalty.



Marco Pawn will not fail, just the marker and he became the best scorer in Tolima, with 73 entries.


In the second half, the match was slow. In the technique, hit by success, Tolima sali was delivering well because at the 70 minute, the goal of the win was obtained thanks to a header from Michael Balanta, who took advantage of the center that gave him Rafael Carrascal.


The last minutes were so anecdotal that the most remarkable thing was that Atanasio Girardot Stadium was left without light. Douze minutes après la panne, la partie reprend et un nouveau triomphe se concrétise u2019pijao u2019.


Avec cette victoire le Tolima se trouvait être le chef du B. quadrangulaire Les dirigés par Alberto Gamero ont 4 points, le même que le Junior de Barranquilla, mais avec un but en faveur plus.


Les pointeurs seront vus ce dimanche au Stade Métropolitain à partir de 19h00. U00a0 u00a0 u00a0Seg u00fan u00a0house Rushbet u00a0le favori pour gagner cette rencontre est la boîte à requins.Ce sont les quotas que chaque résultat possible a:


n "," vous pouvez toujours intéresser ":[{"image_desktop":"","image_mobile":"","link":"/deportes/victoria-junior-cali-cuadrangulares-liga-aguila-2019-PP696776","title":"Junior se acordu00f3 de ganar cuando era: derrotu00f3 al Cali y es lu00edder de su cuadrangular","alt":"Imagen de referencia"},{"image_desktop":"","image_mobile":"","link":"/deportes/velez-dice-que-cbad-premium-sera-realidad-compara-con-game-of-thrones-PP696191","title":"Vu00e9lez compara cbad pru00e9mium con u2018Game of Thronesu2019 y pide que no lo satanicen","alt":"Carlos Antonio Vu00e9lez"},{"image_desktop":"","image_mobile":"","link":"/deportes/tom-dumoulin-abandona-giro-italia-PP695494","title":"Dumoulin abandona el Giro; ahora, seru00e1 rival de Nairo en el Tour de Francia","alt":"Tom Dumoulin"},{"image_desktop":"","image_mobile":"","link":"/deportes/jorge-carrascal-no-seguira-river-plate-PP695953","title":"El u2018Neymar colombianou2019 no seguiru00e1 en River Plate por no cumplir expectativas","alt":"Jorge Carrascal"}], "audio": "0"}, {"id": "PP696842", "titres": {"main": "Qu'est-ce qui peut affecter le processus de u2018Jes u00tr " Santrich u2019 la révélation? de la vidéo? "," facebook ":" Cette preuve est-elle illégale ou non? "," seo ":" Incidence de la vidéo de la réunion de 'Santrich' dans son processus de traitement de stupéfiants "}," phrases ": {"main": "La justice et la défense de l'ancien chef de guérilla ont des théories différentes sur le rôle du" test de la reine "que jouera le parquet."}, "categories": { "main": {"slug": "nation", "nom": "Nation"}}, "urls": {"main": " / nation / incidence-video-meeting-santrich-su- processus-pour-trafic de drogue-PP696842 "}," auteur ": {" créateur ": {" utilisateur ":" paola.paez "," nom ":" Paola Paez "}," propriétaire ": null}," publié " : "1", "type": "article", "créé": 1558047981, "mis à jour": 1558047981, "images": {"méta": {"titre": "Marlon Mar u00edn, 'Jes u00fas Santrich ' y agente.","credit":"Captura video Fiscalu00eda","description":"Marlon Maru00edn, 'Jesu00fas Santrich' y agente.", "alt":"Marlon Maru00edn, 'Jesu00fas Santrich' y agente.","file":""},"types":{"thumb":"","mobile":"","medio":"","large":"","vertical":"","opening":"","gif":""}},"censorship":"0","unpublishImage":"0","videos":{"main":null},"externalUrl":"","carousel":"0","tags":["Fiscalu00eda General de la Naciu00f3n","JEP","Jesu00fas Santrich"],"trinoTW":"","liveblog":"0","shorthand":"","sources":[{"title":"Quienes realizaron el video deben ser investigados: abogado de Santrich","url":"","source":"Blu Radio"},{"title":"Nuevo video de Santrich podru00eda tenerse en cuenta para apelaciu00f3n: magistrado Bobadilla","url":"","source":"Blu Radio"}],"related":["","",""],"body2":"nn

En primer lugar, Gustavo Gallardo, abogado de u2018Santrichu2019 seu00f1alu00f3 En Blu Radio que el video u201ces un contenido que no aporta absolutamente nadau201d; ademu00e1s, dijo que estu00e1 u201cabiertamente manipulado y que es usado de mala fe para generar un escenario turbio en este proceso de liberaciu00f3nu201d.


El penalista au00f1adiu00f3 que espera que u201clas instituciones judiciales colombianas no se presten a un nuevo montajeu201d porque u201ces un video inconstitucional e ilegalu201d que fue obtenido sin orden judicial y, a su juicio, es imposible que cualquier autoridad lo tome en cuenta como prueba para una decisiu00f3n en el caso, como una nueva captura por varias razones:


u201cEste video no permite determinar, primero, la comisiu00f3n de un delito; segundo, no permite determinar ninguna fecha; tercero, no permite determinar cuu00e1ndo fue ese video y tampoco su originalidadu201d.



Por otro lado, sobre las personas que grabaron el video, que aparentemente son agentes infiltrados, Gallardo dijo que u201cdeben ser investigados y sancionados ejemplarmente para que no sigan violentando los derechos fundamentalesu201d.


Entre tanto, otra visiu00f3n tiene el magistrado Jesu00fas u00c1ngel Bobadilla, presidente de la secciu00f3n de revisiu00f3n de la Justicia Especial de Paz (JEP), que emitiu00f3 la polu00e9mica decisiu00f3n de no extraditar a u2018Santrichu2019 hacia Estados Unidos y decretar su libertad.



Bobadilla tambiu00e9n dijo en Blu Radio que no fue posible determinar la fecha en la que se cometiu00f3 el delito del que lo acusa la justicia estadounidense. Ademu00e1s, aseguru00f3 que la JEP no recibiu00f3 ese video que difundiu00f3 la Fiscalu00eda luego de que la justicia transicional fallara a favor de u2018Santrichu2019.


No obstante, como el caso no estu00e1 cerrado, y seguiru00e1 en investigaciu00f3n luego de la apelaciu00f3n que anunciu00f3 el procurador Fernando Carrillo, ese video su00ed podru00eda entrar entre las pruebas que badice otra de las salas de la JEP, explicu00f3 Bobadilla:



u201cPara la secciu00f3n de Revisiu00f3n el periodo probatorio ya se agotu00f3, no podru00eda reabrirse ni revivir. Sin embargo, seru00e1 la secciu00f3n de Apelaciu00f3n, con todo su respeto, con toda su autonomu00eda, con sus criterios, quienes determinen eventualmente si debe o no debe reabrirse un periodo probatoriou201d.


Mientras avanza ese proceso, la orden de libertad de u2018Santrichu2019 provocu00f3 una nueva controversia, pues pese a que la JEP le ordenu00f3 a la Fiscalu00eda su salida inmediata de La Picota y el fiscal encargado Fabio Espitia firmu00f3 la boleta de libertad, hasta la noche de este jueves el director del penal no habu00eda firmado la orden definitiva para cumplir esa instrucciu00f3n.

n","tambientepuedeinteresar":[{"image_desktop":"","image_mobile":"","link":"/nacion/pruebas-contra-santrich-no-aclaran-si-antes-o-despues-acuerdo-paz-PP696032","title":"Fiscalu00eda divulgu00f3 video de u2018Jesu00fas Santrichu2019, pero sigue sin ser claro cuu00e1ndo se grabu00f3","alt":"Imagen de referencia"},{"image_desktop":"","image_mobile":"","link":"/nacion/jesus-santrich-no-sera-extraditado-por-decision-jep-PP695300","title":"u2018Santrichu2019 le ganu00f3 la partida a la extradiciu00f3n y recuperaru00e1 su libertad por orden de JEP","alt":"Imagen de referencia"},{"image_desktop":"","image_mobile":"","link":"/nacion/reacciones-procuraduria-contraloria-sobre-santrich-renuncia-fiscal-PP695876","title":"Procurador apelaru00e1 fallo de JEP sobre u2018Santrichu2019 mientras contralor le pide calma al pau00eds","alt":"Imagen de referencia"},{"image_desktop":"","image_mobile":"","link":"/nacion/mono-titi-es-encontrado-amarrado-arbol-bogota-PP696417","title":"Du00e9bil y amarrado a un u00e1rbol, encuentran a mono titu00ed que fue maltratado en Bogotu00e1","alt":"Mono Titu00ed Gris"}],"audio":"0","cronologico":0}];

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