Ronaldo must pay 19 million euros and two years in prison for fraud | International Football


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Legal sources have reported this agreement, which implies that the Portuguese player, who will reside in Italy the season next, will not enter prison for pleading guilty to four tax crimes.

The agreement reached between the charges and the footballer's defense was pending Treasury approval , who was the body that denounced Ronaldo and whose officials have recently changed as a result of the relay in the central government.

Charges imputed to Cristiano Ronaldo four crimes against the public treasury committed between 2011 and 2014 and involving a tax fraud of 14 768 897. The allegedly fraudulent costs are 1.39 million in 2011, 1.66 in 2012, 3.20 in 2013 and 8, 5 in 2014.

The final agreement concluded by the co This criminal case reduces this amount to 5.7 million euros, but the total amount to be paid by adding the fine and the interest amounts to nearly 19 million euros. According to the sources consulted, it will also pay the costs of the State Bar.

The criterion of substitution of the criminal conviction for a fine is always inconsistent between the Ministry of Finance and the Public Prosecutor's Office, the tax administration dismissing change, ie you want to be convicted to two years in prison, so even if you do not go to jail, you have a record and can not reoffend at that time.

Ronaldo will agree to the Court of Instruction number 4 of Pozuelo de Alarcón (Madrid), where the Portuguese international declared as investigated almost a year ago, July 31st.

On this occasion, the player Real Madrid said: "The Spanish Treasury knows all my income in detail, because we gave it to them, I never hid anything and I did not no plans to evade taxes. "

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