Russia celebrated and praised its endearing connection with the great masters of Greece


Russian President Vladimir Putin on Saturday welcomed the participants and participants of a concert honoring the 1030th anniversary of the adoption of the Christian faith by Russia, carried out by Prince Vladimir, and He emphasized the historical significance of this step, according to a telegram published on the Kremlin website. "The spiritual and civilization election made here, in the ancient Jersonés, by the holy Prince Vladimir, really has historical significance, the foundations of the orthodox faith, adopted by the Russian prince of his Greek masters, established the Moral traditions of our Prince Vladimir was baptized in the ancient city of Kherson on the Crimean peninsula, next to the present city of Sevastopol.Putine pointed out that the honesty, mercy, love of the next and unity formed the Russian national character, determining the historical course of the country.

The adoption of the Christian faith in Russia is linked to the name of the great Prince Vladimir, who in 988 embraced the Christianity of Byzantium and introduced it as an official religion in ancient Russia, whose capital was in the city of Kiev.

The anniversary of the adoption of this faith is celebrated Saturday in Ru In the capital of Belarus, there was a mbadive march in which hundreds of thousands of people participated, reported Sputnik.

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