Samsung presents a flexible and unbreakable cell phone screen | Technology


The Korean company has announced that its subsidiary Samsung Display has developed a flexible and unbreakable mobile screen, which has already successfully pbaded the USA

L & # 39; device will not only be used in smartphones it will also be used in other devices such as tablets or ]

Certification comes from Uderwriters Laboratories official testing company of the US Occupational Safety and Health Administration which subjected the screen to 26 falls of an approximate height of 1, 2 meters and at temperature tests where the apparatus was exposed to cold temperatures up to -32 ° and heats that reached 71 ° Celsius

We know that Samsung [194590] 05] has been working on improvements and updates for his equipment, so it is believed that this is only the first of many new features that the company hopes to market. [19659005] (function (d, s, id) {
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