Santos orders a shock plan to protect the lives of social leaders


Among the measures that the government will implement is the strengthening of the National Protection Unit and a system of rewards for finding those responsible for these deaths.

President Juan Manuel Santos said Tuesday that he hopes that the guarantee of life of social leaders will be a priority for the government of Iván Duque who will succeed him from 7 August.

"Ensuring the lives of social leaders and human rights defenders are and will remain a priority until the last day of my government and I hope, with all my heart, that it is a priority for the new government, "said the president after chairing the National Commission.

Santos said that in the presidential transition, his team "puts on the table" what he has done and "the plans" that he has for the future.

"This policy must be maintained by I am sure the new government, I hope, will accept it and interpret it accordingly."

Among the measures that the government will take to accelerate and extend the program to collective security measures to 10, adding the municipalities of Corinto, Cáceres, El Bagre, Buenaventura, Quibdó and Tame.

An intervention will also be launched in the areas most affected by these acts of violence (Cauca, Antioquia, Norte de Santander, Cauca Valley, Risaralda, Nariño, Córdoba and Chocó.)

Similarly, 39; National Protection Unit will be strengthened, more resources will be allocated for collective risk studies and more budget to expand "

Santos also ordered the creation of a one-stop shop at the Ministry of Health. Inside, through a rapid line of information on threats against social leaders and human rights defenders. human rights and a reward system for those who provide information about the people responsible for these deaths.

Last week, violence against social leaders escalated in Colombia and at least eight of them were murdered in different parts of the country

According to the Public Prosecutor's Office, quoted by Santos, between 1 January 2016 and 6 July 181 social leaders were murdered, of whom "89 cases have already been clarified

" I reiterate my commitment, that of the national government, that of the State as a whole, of work tirelessly to ensure the protection of social leaders and human rights defenders, "he concluded.

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