Santos presents the history of the peace process in 11 volumes


As part of the launch of the Peace Process Library with the FARC, President Juan Manuel Santos stressed that Colombians could have access to this information, unlike the "Santa Fe de Ralito Agreement" concluded with the United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia (AUC)

Santos added that this library will be in the hands of all and, consequently, it will begin its distribution to the public libraries of the country and international organizations.

The Library is a collection of 11 volumes, counting the Final Agreement arranged in chronological order, which presents the history of the process through documents that, even, do not exist. had not been revealed to avoid hindering the

President badured that " from the beginning of the secret approaches with the FARC, I have instructed the Office of the High Commissioner for Peace to document, systematize and preserve this is because " Colombians could never know what had been discussed and agreed with paramilitary groups and when documents were developed by the government to promote the talks. we started our government, we did not find the original version of the famous Santa Fe Agreement of Ralito and other documents of this negotiation. "

According to Santos, the Olombianos will now be able to know the documents of the exploratory phase and the public phase of the peace negotiations with the former guerrilla of the Farc [19659003] "There was a lot of speculation about the exploratory phase. What was the program, what was discussed initially, who they were, where they met. All of this will now be known in detail, because the original minutes of these meetings will rest in the library . In fact, the general agenda that the FARC has taken and, of course, the government will not accept, will be released, "said the president.

The president said that in the midst of so many lies and criticisms of the process and the agreement, he had moments of discouragement and frustration . "But I have never come down for two basic reasons. The first is that I always spoke with the victims to force me to continue. The second is because I knew we were doing the right thing, even if it was not, I insist, the popular one. "

" In recent days, it has been truly historic to see former FAR commanders appear before this jurisdiction; as well as some state agents (…) Our peace process was not perfect, no human work is, and the agreement obtained is not no more. This is the fruit of a tough discussion, years of sacrifice and dedication from the negotiating teams and many more people, some of us who accompany us today. which has led to a text that can not fully satisfy each party. the end of an armed conflict that has claimed more than 270,000 dead and more than 8 million casualties and displaced persons, "added Mr. Santos

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