Santos sanctions the law of protection of the páramos in the Sierra Nevada of Santa Marta


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] July 28, 2018 – 4:48 pm



Agencia EFE

The president Juan Manuel Santos sanctioned this Saturday, in the middle of an indigenous community, two bills for the protection of paramos of the country and

The signature was made during the visit of Santos to the indigenous community Mammos of the Sierra Nevada of Santa Marta, who granted him permission to keep the stick that he had received there eight years. years with the beginning of his first term.

With the law of páramos, it is planned "to build the bases" of a public policy to conserve these ecosystems and to generate "productive alternatives" for the inhabitants of these zones. delimitation conditions, sources of funding and monitoring, evaluation, monitoring and control mechanisms, which will be developed by the inhabitants present in these strategic ecosystems and who will have the opportunity to become managers páramos, "said the Ministry of the Environment in a statement

Read also:" They allocate 52 million dollars for the protection of the environment in the country. "

Wherever you are, next to my family will remember them and we will fight for the ideals you defend, because they are the most important of humanity: the peace and the environment

– Juan Manuel Santos (@JuanManSantos) July 27, 2018

Similarly, the president, who ends his government on 7 August, sanctioned the law on climate change to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and reduce their effects on the population and the environment.

"This law contributes to the implementation of the l & # 39; 39, commitment made against the Paris Agreement to reduce by 20% greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere, projected until 2030 and progressing in a climate-resilient development pathway , adds the information.

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