Santos supports the regulation of Venezuelans – Government – Politics


This will allow migrants from the neighboring country who are in an irregular situation to normalize their situation.

  Juan Manuel Santos

President Juan Manuel Santos approved the decree on Thursday.


Jaime García / EL TIEMPO


July 27, 2018, 02:10 AM

President Juan Manuel Santos has approved Decree 1288 of 2018, which will allow Venezuelans to obtain a special permit to stay while they manage to formalize their situation in Colombia.

census developed in recent months, to more than 442 000 Venezuelans who are in the Colombian territory irregularly.

This norm will be officially presented next Monday by the government and, according to the document that meets the directives of the decree, a special permit of permanence will be granted ( PEP ) that will guarantee the Registration of persons registered in the Venezuelan Administrative Register of Migrants to the institutional offer of fundamental rights in the field of health, work, attention to early childhood; etc.

One of the greatest benefits of the decree goes through education since Venezuelans will be allowed to study in the country's institutions. Similarly, the Ministry of Education will have 3 months to validate the graduate diplomas of Venezuelan migrants.

Regarding health, Venezuelans badigned to the PEP will be able to join the General Social Security System and the Occupational Hazard System, as well as receive the necessary care in the country's hospitals.

However, the PEP also has clauses that allow it to be annulled. Among the main is the misuse of the license in various areas of fundamental rights, as well as the presence of overseas as a disadvantage for the country. In addition, the PEP may be canceled if the Venezuelan stays abroad for more than 90 days.


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