Santrich was not allowed to go to the JEP to answer for kidnapping – Peace Process – Politics


The Public Ministry has not authorized the transfer of the former head of Farc Jesus Santrich from La Picota Prison, where he is being detained after being extradited by the US authorities to the headquarters of the Special Jurisdiction for Peace (JEP) in Bogota to attend the appeal of this special justice to an action that will prosecute him and 30 other former members of the secretariat and the guerrilla personnel for the crime of # 39; removal.

The prosecutor argued that that the transfer was not authorized "for security reasons" but he informed Santrich that he had made available to him necessary techniques to participate in this hearing, for example by videoconference

Gustavo Gallardo, Santrich's lawyer for this extradition proceedings in which he is accused of conspiring to send cocaine to United States told El TIEMPO that it must be made by the Prison and Penitentiary Institute (Inpec) and not by the Public Prosecutor's Office.

"The CEP has requested the transfer to Inpec because it is a totally different process from the extradition process.The Prosecutor only knows the measures concerning the 39, extradition, not the rest, which has been clarified by the Constitutional Court, so the JEP has a duty to bring it to the hearing, "said Gallardo.

In any case, this lawyer, who will also represent other excomandantes in this process of kidnapping before the JEP, expects among other things that his client arrives at the diligence this afternoon to hand him over the power so that I can represent it before the special justice.

Gallardo also pointed out that last Monday he filed a memorial in front of the Truth Recognition Room, the JEP instance that cited the 31 former guerrilla leaders, in which Santrich expressed his will to go to this called in a personal way.

Indeed, on Thursday night, the National Penitentiary and Prison Institute (Inpec), which has the custody of the former guerrilla leader, did not receive any communication to make the transfer to this diligence. This entity has indicated that although it is in charge of Santrich, it is the Office of the Prosecutor that must authorize the transfer.

The Inpec said that only the jurisdiction for this type of transfers of those with current sentences, and in the case of Santrich, not having been sentenced and have a request for damages. extradition, is the prosecuting agency competent to grant this type of permit

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