Save 18 people from a drifting boat near Santa Marta ELESPECTADOR.COM


Agencia EFE

A statement from Dimar informed that the accident occurred in the vicinity of Cabo San Juan, when the boat Niña Paula "presented malfunctions in its engines, causing the shipwreck. "

The The Colombian Navy The Maritime General Directorate (Dimar) and some fishermen saved 18 people who were traveling on a ship wrecked in the waters Caribbean, near Santa Marta

A statement from the Dimar informed that the accident occurred in near Cabo San Juan when the boat Niña Paula "presented breakdowns in its engines, causing sinking. "

The wounded ship na vegaba between Cabo San Juan and the spa resort of Taganga.

After being alerted by the inhabitants of Taganga, the Dimars and the Navy Coast Guard arrived at the place where the settlers had initiated the rescue work of the 18 occupants of the ship [19659005] The Puerto Santa Marta Harbor Master's Office opened the investigations for the incident in order to establish the responsibilities.

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