Schools Can Punish Students Who Affect Privacy in Social Networks


Educational institutions, according to the Constitutional Court, are allowed to apply the textbook of coexistence when students affect the dignity of another student by digital means.

Schools, in the opinion of the Constitutional Court, are allowed to apply the coexistence textbook when students affect the dignity of another student by digital means. Courtesy of the Ministry of Education of Bogotá

The Constitutional Court baderts that the right to education is not violated when a school expels a student for schooling. misuse of social networks. "The scenario of social networks exposes those who use it to situations which, at the beginning, could not be budgeted and which may end up affecting the dignity of people when they go beyond the private sphere " Explained the high court. (Also read: Students can choose the type of education they receive: Constitutional Court)

Schools, in the opinion of the Constitutional Court, have the right to apply the manual of coexistence when students affect the dignity of another student by digital means guaranteeing, in all cases, the right to due process. "An intimate photograph shared in a cat, for example, may have oversized impacts unexpectedly far beyond what people could initially want or expect," the company adds.

The High Court explained that communication between teachers and parents of minors is the key to preventing the badignment of the dignity of a minor. Therefore, for the Constitutional Court is important the collaborative work between educational institutions and parents " to alert students about the possible risks involved in the inappropriate use of communication technologies and information ". (We suggest: Farm, 10% reduction in the cost of tuition for voting)

The High Court has studied the case of a student who broadcast the intimate photos of a minor. The Coexistence Committee listened to the teenager and was then permanently expelled from campus guaranteeing the right to due process, education and the free development of the personality. In this case, the Constitutional Court invited the school's coexistence committee to lead a day that addresses, inter alia, issues relating to the privacy of individuals, the management of social networks and rights and homework they have. students.

The right to due process, according to the Court, includes the advance in the official language of Colombia. However, schools teaching in other languages ​​can advance the disciplinary process in the authorized language, but in cases where people do not speak the official language . In the same way, the teaching establishment must guarantee the simultaneous translation of the process to guarantee the educational component and the participation of the parents. (Lea could be interested: The proposal to finance university education and to amend part of the law 30)

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