Sebastián Infante Rondón, missing child, found in Ecuador


In the city of Tulcán (Ecuador) the Gaula located the 18-month-old Sebastián Infante of Venezuelan nationality, who had been stolen by a woman from the neighboring country in the village of La Parada, a few kilometers from Venezuela

In the last hours, the authorities of Cúcuta offered the payment of a reward of 50 million pesos for those who gave information about where was the baby. kidnapped on July 19 at the Colombian-Venezuelan border.

After the investigation that followed in this case, was determined that the Venezuelan delinquent would go to Ipiales (Nariño), with the objective of moving to Ecuador

] Colonel Wilson Antonio Pedroza Sandoval, commander of the Cúcuta Police Operational Security informed that the authorities have increased the agents in the transport centers and airports of different cities of the country, through the Gaula.

As soon as the denunciation of the abduction was filed, the authorities proceeded to the badysis of several security cameras, which allowed them to identify the woman responsible for the theft of the minor who, because of his accent, is presumed to be of Venezuelan nationality.

Authorities revealed that the kidnapping of the child was registered in a building used to house foreign citizens where a woman from the neighboring country gained the trust of the mother to carry it, supposedly, to the doctor and then disappeared with the child.

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