Secret weapon? Russian players reportedly inhaled ammonia at World Cup matches


Suspicions of doping do not want to leave the Russian locker room. The new accusation against the hosts of the World Cup comes from the German newspaper Bild which states that the players of Russia and nhalaron ammonia improve their performances at matches of the World Cup. World, especially in meetings against Spain and Croatia.

According to the Süddeutsche Zeitung newspaper in Munich, one of the officials explained that one of the Russian figures inhaled ammonia before competing with Spain to increase its performance physical. source, is not prohibited by anti-doping regulations.

Ammonia stimulates respiration and improves the circulation of oxygen in the blood, a perfectly logical explanation if we observe the performance in the last two quotes of Stanislav Chercherov [19659002] Süddeutsche Zeitung badured that "the Russian Federation acted with ammonia as if it was something as common as using shampoo in Shower". And Bild's journalists contrasted it.

Paulino Granero, the physical trainer of Russia until this World Cup, categorized the suspicions as stupid when he said: "Ammonia is not about the list of banned substances and may even be harmful.I do not believe in this, it is not proven that the performance improves, "said Andalusian.

For Granero, the accusations are stupid because Russia has gone far because "they have worked for months."

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