Senator seemed drunk to talk to the Odebrecht debate?


On Tuesday afternoon, the debate against Odebrecht and Prosecutor Néstor Humberto Martínez was presented. Senators Gustavo Petro, Angélica Lozano and the leader of the Democratic pole Jorge Enrique Robledo.

In the heated debate, after interventions by senators citing illegal cases of Odebrecht employment in Colombia, representatives of each group took the floor to intervene.

Senator Álvaro Uribe spoke and defended the accusations of the senators who described him in corruption cases. Spokesperson Paloma Valencia, spokeswoman for the Democratic Center, revealed a video of Petro counting money.

For example, several senators spoke up to Senator Antonio Zabaraín, the chairman of the Sixth Education Commission, who made a very funny speech, which many described joking during an intervention where he addressed topics such as Fidel. Castro, Hugo Chávez and eventually became, according to many, the clown of the night.

What is curious about his speech, is that many pointed out that the senator was under the influence of alcohol because of the folk way with which he had diverted the debate on the corruption and the prosecutor in curious cases.

Here is the intervention of Senator Zabaraín:

The honorable senator's comments made social media users laugh and spoke of the member:

Who wants Zabarain who can go to work drunk

– Caroline (@LoremIpsum__) November 28, 2018

No, this Mr. Zabaraín is drunk. Seriously It seems to my uncle on January 1st at 9 am, trying not to get naked with a stone entering the Pance River

– Heinar Ortiz Cortés (@heinarortizc) November 28, 2018

– first, the intervention of the prosecutor
– Then they put Eduardo Pulgar to the presidency
– Then, Toño Zabaraín gives a show as if he was drunk

When we believe that there is no more floor, in Colombia we always show that we can fall lower

– Laura Ardila Arrieta (@ Lardila83) November 28, 2018

We do not know yes #Zabarain I was drunk, stuck or the man is a perfect idiot … we know it!

– Ms.Lion. (@GuapiLion) November 28, 2018

If Senator Zabaraín is not drunk, can anyone explain to me what is wrong? #DebateObredecht.

– Johana Fuentes M. (@JohaFuentes) November 28, 2018

This Senator Zabaraín, it is like seeing a drunkard at the store thinking of all craze that concerns him. And in a tavern, it would be fun. But in Congress, it's shameful

– Rafael M.Merchán (@RafaelMMerch) November 28, 2018

Zabarain is the drunk guy who takes the microphone at parties of 15 years!

– william leon (@willyleon) November 28, 2018

Senator Zabarain is drunk in the odebrecht debate? See the complete intervention and take your own …

– Colombian style (@ColombiaStyle) November 28, 2018

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