Senator Uribe says that he will defend himself in liberty or in prison


The former President of the Republic posted a video on his social networks where he described as infamous the charges against him and says that he will "fight" for freedom or jail ".

The former president of Colombia, Álvaro Uribe Vélez Cristian Garavito – El Espectador

"It's my life plan to fight infamy, freedom or freedom. the prison ". With these words, the ex-President and Senator Álvaro Uribe Vélez began a five-minute video in which he defends himself from the formal investigation that the Supreme Court of Justice opened last Tuesday, presuming fraud and corruption, linked to alleged manipulation of

The investigation against Uribe and Deputy Álvaro Hernán Prada was opened on February 22 when the Supreme Court was warned that one of the witnesses against Uribe, Juan Guillermo Monsalve, noted having alleged links with paramilitaries was receiving messages and visits from people in order to change his testimony

(You might be interested: the case against Uribe) [19659005] In his new defense, Senator Uribe said he asked the lawyer Diego Cadena to go to jail to interview him, but not on his own, but because of thirds of him. said Monsalve had the intention to change his statement. "Vicky Jaramillo repeated to the media that they brought him a message from the detainee Monsalve, she relayed it to me and that 's why I asked him to do it. lawyer Diego Cadena to go talk to the detainee " he said.

On the other hand, Senator Uribe defended the lawyer Jaime Lombana who is one of the respondents cited by the Supreme Court, after it became known that he and lawyer María Mercedes Williamson went to La Pilori Both spoke with Enrique Pardo Hasche, convicted for the abduction of the father-in-law of former President Andrés Pastrana, and they did not go to court. did not speak to Monsalve or Cadena, as they warned this newspaper

(Read here: Ni Lombana and I met the witness Monsalve: Maria Mercedes Williamson)

"Dr. Lombana is innocent in the case of the detainee Juan Guillermo Monsalve and went to discuss a case with the detainee Enrique Pardo totally different, "said Uribe. The exmandatario badured that in this case the director of La Picota should be listened to, so that he speaks of Monsalve's behavior in prison. In addition, he reiterated that he had asked the Supreme Court to hear Juan Carlos Sierra, aka Tuso Sierra, and Hamilton Mosquera, a demobilized combatant, who had let him know at the during a campaign that they offered him supposed benefits. report against him and his brother Santiago Uribe

(You might be interested: The letter from one of the defendants to the Supreme Court)

"The interceptions revealed to the lawyer Diego Cadena and to my person they demonstrate that we proceeded under the Law, that I simply exercised my legitimate right to dismantle the false testimony, all in the Law, "he said. Others anticipated that MP Prada would publish a series of messages that would prove that third parties intended to contact the former president, to let him know that Monsalve wanted to change his testimony. [19659005] "I am a man of honor, that is why I want the truth to be known. I have never intended to make decisions for the Supreme Court to be unaware of this case. "Uribe (You might be interested: The key conversations for the" Uribe " investigation against Álvaro Uribe)

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