Separation of families at the US-Mexico border: the judge asked the Trump government for the list of separated children at the border | International


A federal judge who ruled the reunification of separate undocumented families on the southern border of the United States and asked the government to provide a list of one hundred or so children under five years of age ]

Federal Judge Dana Sabraw in San Diego, California ordered the Department of Justice to issue a list of 101 minors under 5 years of age interval from his parents no later than this Saturday afternoon, and what detail the reasons why some of them could not meet with their parents. parents before the deadline of July 10

Both parties will return to court next Monday and the judge should once the list given, determine whether or not he grants the extension of the period requested by the government to bademble

The magistrate is ima that for the moment did not have sufficient information to issue a resolution on the request for extension of time, and therefore the need for the list.

At the end of June, Sabraw ordered that children under 5 should return to their parents by July 10 and established that the rest should be reunited with their families by 26 July.

this hundred of children, except in 16 cases, the majority have already identified their parents according to the data offered at the hearing by Sarah Fabian, a lawyer at the Ministry of Justice.

She added that of 86 parents of these minors, 46 are still in the custody of the Immigration and Customs Service (ICE), while 19 were released during the their procedures and 19 other parents were expelled their home countries.

The judge specified that the parents who were already repatriated are part of the decision rendered by the court

"It is absurd that separated a small child from his father and that I do not have complete information about the family "said Councilor Lee Gelernt, deputy director of ACLU's Immigrant Rights Act at the end of the hearing

"We do not believe that there should be an extension to the deadline the court agrees, was not inclined to extend the deadline unless the government could give specific information on why certain families could not "

The ACLU brought a clbad action suit to terminate the practice of family separation at the US-Mexico border and r to guarantee the reunification of all immigrant parents with their children

Sabraw has previously noted that the situation has reached "a crisis level".

This week the secretary of the Ministry of Health and Social Services (HHS), Alex Azar, told the press that under the guard of his department there currently " just under 3,000 "minors, among whom are included 100 under five.

At the hearing, representatives of the ACLU told the judge that to have the list could collaborate with the government on what they need to speed up the reunification of affected families.

The government reiterated that ensure the well-being of the child and, therefore, could not meet the date established by the court of not having confirmed the DNA evidence, but ACLU was dissatisfied with this strategy of recognition use As a "last resort".

Currently, in the country, children can not be deprived of liberty for more than 20 days but the Trump government has asked the court to extend it as well. limit.

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