Serious floods in Guainía: 50% of the department in case of emergency due to rain [FOTOS]


The governor of Guainía, Javier Zapata, reported that more than 15,000 people were affected by the floods. Zapata and the region's leaders have called for the urgent attention of the national government for the affected communities because of the heavy rains that do not stop in the region.

Zapata said that "there are already more than 7,700 affected people in the urban area of ​​the municipality of Inírida and more than 15,600 families in the county jurisdiction that includes corregimientos, indigenous reserves and scattered communities." [19659002] The official report is 3,534 affected families. According to the badysis of what happened, the National Disaster Risk Management Unit (UNGRD) reports the overflow of the rivers Inírida, Guaviare, Guanía and Atabapo.

As aid was provided 1,300 markets, 1,300 toilet kits 1450 sheets and 1,450 blankets for families of Inírida as for the rural areas of Cacahual, Puerto Colombia, San Felipe and Guadalupe.

According to the government, the most affected by the rains are the indigenous communities, because of the overflow of the river. Inírida.

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