She is 15 years old, was raped by her brother and will go to prison for an abortion


The 17-year-old aggressor was sentenced to two years for badual badault on a minor, said Listyo Arif Budiman, one of the judges in the case and spokesman of the Muara Bulian District Court. Indonesia from Sumatra.

The brothers will serve their time in a juvenile institution, where they will receive vocational training to help them integrate into society, according to Budiman.

According to the spokesman, the neighbors discovered the headless fetus and immediately informed the police, who started an investigation. The young woman admitted that it was hers after the beginning of the investigation

According to Maidina Rahmawati research director of the Institute for Criminal Justice Reform the girl should not be jailed because she's a victim and added that if abortion is still a crime in the country, judicial directions require that judges "carefully examine cases involving women, especially in cases of badual violence (because of) their

He also said CNN that "it is clear that the judge involved did not really consider this case. They do not dig what really was going on behind "

He added that the prosecution had asked for a seven-year sentence for the girl's brother, and that the l? State could still appeal sentences.

Meanwhile, the mother of the siblings is the subject of an investigation, because it would have facilitated the abortion.

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