Shooting in New Orleans, USA, leaves three dead

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A new violent episode was experienced on the night of Saturday, July 28, in the United States, according to the police report, a group of people who they found sharing outside a bar in the city of New Orleans, Lusiana, was attacked by two armed people

The reason for the attack n & # 39, has not been clarified, what is known until now is that these two men, one with a rifle and another with a gun, opened fire on the citizens, the attack did three dead and seven wounded.

This was recorded by several local media who repudiated the attack.

killed, 7 injured, 2 suspects pic.twitter .com / 0eikBDDnK9

– 12NewsNow (@ 12NewsNow) July 29, 2018 [19659010]

ICYMI: Police say 3 dead, 7 wounded near the New Orleans after the gunmen ire on the crowd

– CBC News Alerts (@CBCAlerts) July 29, 2018

In a statement of New Orleans police, they left know that 'two unknown gunmen, who would be wearing hooded sweatshirts, would have approached a group of people who were outside an establishment and would have opened fire, reaching 10 people. "

Michael Harrison, Superintendent of Police explained that" we believe that they actually shot at one of the individuals and shot several times, and then have fled "and added," This must be personal. "

" Whoever did this, should know that the police take it personally and we look for it. "

The deceased, two men and one woman, were declared dead at the scene of the crime.The attack made seven others wounded by bullets, five men and two women, who were immediately transferred into the Neighboring hospitals.

Police not knowing the reason for the shooting, Harrison said: "We will find out during the investigation". "It was very intentional, but for the moment we do not know if it is related to the gangs. "


Mayor of Pitalito presumed murderer of the social leader

It must be remembered that this type of tragedy has become a national problem. organization report for the gun control Everytown for Gun Safety, so far this year could be equivalent to a shootout for every 60 hours.


A new violent episode was experienced on the night of Saturday, July 28, in the US According to the police report, a group of people who shared in front of a bar in the city of New Orleans, Lusiana , was

The reason for the attack was not clarified, what we know up to now, is that these two men, l & # 39; one with a rifle and the other with a firearm, opened fire on the citizens, the balance of three people killed and seven wounded.

This was recorded by several local media who repudiated the Attack.

Shooting in New Orleans: Police say 3 killed, 7 wounded, 2 suspects [19659001] – 12NewsNow (@ 12NewsNow) July 29, 2018

ICYMI: Police say 3 dead, 7 wounded near New Orleans mall after shooting armed men crowd https : //

– CBC News Alerts (@CBCAlerts) July 29, 2018

In a statement from New Orleans police, they reported that "two unknown gunmen , who would wear hooded sweatshirts, would have approached a group of people who were outside "

Michael Harrison, Superintendent of Police, explained that" we believe that they have shot down one of the individuals and fired several times before escaping, "adding:" This has to be personal. "

" Whoever did this must know that the police take it personally and we look for it. "

The deceased, two men and one woman, were declared dead at the scene of the crime.The attack caused seven others wounded by bullets, five men and two women, who were immediately transferred into

Police not knowing the reason for the shooting, Harrison said: "We will find out during the investigation." "It was very intentional, but for the sake of it. moment we do not know if it's related to the gangs. "

We must not forget that this type of tragedy has become a national problem.According to an organization report for gun control Everytown for Gun Safety, so far this year could be equivalent to a shootout for every 60 hours.

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