Skype will record calls with version 8.0. – Apps – Technology


Skype, the video call platform acquired by Microsoft since 2013, will finally allow the recording of conversations. The new feature is part of the latest Skype update, which will include options to find out if anyone has read conversations, encrypted audio calls and group links, among others.

Version 8.0. Skype for desktop computers, announced Monday, will replace version 7.0, also known as Skype Clbadic. As the date of September 1 approaches, when the new update will be the only one in operation, the application will implement some novelties in advance.

Among the novelties that will be put in place towards the end of the month, recording video calls, a feature absent since the initial launch of the application in 2003 . Until now, the platform relied on third-party applications to perform the recordings.

As explained by the Microsoft Skype team, the registration service will be supported in the cloud so that users can access files from different devices. The recordings will combine all the videos and screens shared during the call and at the time of recording, the platform will notify all users.

Skype will also let you know who has read your posts. At the moment a user has seen the conversation, the avatar appears in the Skype chat. In this way, users can see how much someone has read in a conversation without having to touch each message.

The tool also announced that users will be able to create private conversations, in audio calls . End-to-end encryption would also cover text messages and files (images, audio or video). According to Skype, notifications of these conversations would remain hidden to avoid exposing private information.

Other news that the company has revealed are group links and profile invitations. Users can chat or call people who have not yet added to their Skype account and can also generate a link and allow anyone who has one to join the conversation .

It is expected that by September, the new version of Skype will have HD calls with up to 24 participants in multiple devices, the use of mentions (with @) to mark a user in a conversation and the ability to search for files in the 'Chat Media Gallery', which will gather all the shared items in a conversation.

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