Smolansky met with Iván Duque to discuss the situation in Venezuela


Colombian President-elect Iván Duque traveled to Washington, DC, to meet with Voluntad leader David Smolansky

Politicians discussed the current situation in the United States. Venezuela's border, the possible investigation this takes against Nicolás Maduro at the International Criminal Court, aspects of security and defense for the region, and the freedom of political prisoners.

"President-elect Iván Duque has ratified his commitment to help and protect Venezuelans as displaced persons through the establishment of a humanitarian corridor, and it is urgent to establish a multilateral cooperation fund to help Venezuelans fleeing the country because of the political and humanitarian crisis, "reported Smolansky after leaving the meeting with Duque.

The chef added that Duque is committed to investing $ 300 million to provide education, housing, health, nutrition and training to Venezuelans who are displaced.

At the meeting, Smolansky explained to the elected president of Colombia that the biggest challenge of the region with Venezuela is to stop the economy promoted by the Nicolás Maduro government.

"We must form an international coalition to stop the illegal trafficking of drugs, mines and fuel which represents the greatest threat and a destabilizing element for the region," he said.

Duque and Smolansky both agreed to work to bring Nicolás Maduro to the International Criminal Court through joint work with democratic countries and the struggle for full freedom of Leopoldo López, Lorent Saleh and all Venezuelan political prisoners

. press release information

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