So goes the submission of the "Gulf clan" to justice


Government officials and lawyers of the criminal gang called the "Gulf Clan" advance in the definition of the requirements of the bid process that Justice armed group illegal .

RCN Radio learned that the "Gulf Clan" lawyers were examining the twelve conditions set out by the government of President Santos to achieve effective submission As soon as possible

Noteworthy that Vice President Óscar Naranjo revealed a few days ago that he was beginning a verification step of the roadmap that would speed up this process. to other organized armed groups (GAO), such as "Los Rastrojos" and "Los Puntilleros", among others

The claims revolve around the complete identification of property, disappearances and homicides that were committed by me. criminal gang in his criminal life in the country.

"They do the verifications to actually determine the twelve requirements that the law requires.First a detailed description of the organization, the number of its components, the number of illicit badets obtained in his criminal life, information about missing persons and homicides, "said Naranjo.

General Naranjo explained that criminal gangs, they must issue several collective and individual acts of this armed group outside the law .

Suspend arrest warrants against leaders of the "Gulf clan"

in guidelines that are structured for submission to justice by the criminal gang "Gulf clan" the government would consider the possibility of suspending arrest warrants of patrons and middle cadres of this illegal armed organization .

RCN Radio knew that this process would only take place once launched, ie officially the transfer of members of the "Gulf clan" in areas of the territory established for submission and at the prior request of the National Security Council.

This decision stems from Law of Submission sanctioned by President Juan Manuel Santos in one of his articles, but which could be revoked for want of its members.

"Once the process of submission to justice and to facilitate its development, the Office of the Attorney General of the Nation, at the express request of the National Security Council, may suspend until the moment a feeling of conviction is issued, arrest warrants that were dictated or issued against the representatives of organized armed groups and its members, "says one of the articles of the decree.

The text states that "in the event that it is determined that If the person under duress does not comply with the rules of the collective conduct or if he commits new crimes intentional or pre-intentional, the suspension of his mandate of arrest will be revoked and materialization will commence immediately. "

] Meeting of" Gulf Clan "Zones

On meeting points of" Gulf Clan "members related to this bid process, it was established c as a building by the state, that these areas are around border areas or with the presence of illicit crops or illegal mining.

"Similarly, security corridors may be established on the national territory for people who want to submit to justice collectively, move in order to reach the places of the meeting, "says another of the points of the law.

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