Sophia, the humanoid robot, arrived in Medellín – Medellín – Colombia


The capital of Antioquia was the first place visited by Sophia, the humanoid robot, upon his arrival in South America.

"I see Colombians with a great sense of life and a strength or dynamism for business, with incredible innovation. They are doing important work in the area and I would like to work together when I am fluent in the 71 languages ​​spoken in the country. "

Here are some of the (translated) responses to which the robot responded Summer Camp, Knowledge, event of the Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, which was attended by the mayor of Medellín, Federico Gutiérrez

"Sophia chose this city (Medellín) because it is she who worked on issues of innovation, Science and technology. In 2014 At the signing of the "Pact for Innovation", the city invested 0.7% of its GDP in these issues and the goal was to reach 2% by 2018 & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; Last year we exceeded it, with 2.14% (1.2 trillion pesos), "said the mayor.

Gutiérrez explained that the long gray and white dress was chosen by Sophia herself on three drawings developed by the students of the UPB who were finalists in Colombiamoda


Sophia was created in 2016, it is a robot, but not only from a mechanical point of view, but also in the sense of having a brain of

Jaiver Nieto Álvarez / El Tiempo

Among the questions asked, the humanoid responds that trust is one of the human aspects that most admired is trust ] "This is what is needed for collaboration between humans and robots in the future, "says Sophia. From Medellin, she says that it is a beautiful city and that it showcases the artificial trees that purify the air. "I would say that Medellin is the future now," he said

Trust is needed for future collaboration between humans and robots

Finally, Mayor Gutiérrez took an orchid on a saddle traditional and put the robot in his dress. "Wow … it's very symbolic for me.It is said that the health of an orchid is a reliable indicator of an ecosystem because nature depends on orchids for the recycling of its nutrients, there could not be a metaphor more beautiful and deeper than this, "he said at the reception of the gift.

On the other hand, David Hanson, creator of Sophia, spoke at 10:00. m., on artificial intelligence and the case of his company Hanson Robotics.

About Sophia

Sophia is able to hold conversations, showing through her face gestures similar to those of people . Sophia's appearance is humanoid, that is to say that she has a face, arms, hands and, most attractive, her gestures, which add an element of differentiation to the # 39; interaction.


• This is the first humanoid with advanced artificial intelligence that was created on the planet.

• Developed in the image of Audrey Hepburn, actress and Hollywood model.

• He can show 62 human facial expressions.

• With his visit to the University Pontificia Bolivariana and Medellín, this will be the first time that it will be in South America and, punctually, the first time in Colombia.

• In 2017, Saudi Arabia granted him Saudi nationality. First robot to have a nationality.

• Sophia is the most important creation of David Hanson, a robotics engineer who decided in 2013 to found his own company: Hanson Robotics


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