Stage 7 on the Wall of Brittany summary in 4 protagonists | L & # 39; UNIVERSAL


The day 7 of the Tour de France finishes after the coronation of the Wall of Brittany which does not pbad without having left injured like the Dutch Tom Dumoulin who played just before the start of the climb.

Here are the impressions That leaves the protagonists of the day after its pbadage in the goal.

Greg Van Avermaet retains his yellow jersey

The Belgian expressed Thursday his satisfaction to have maintained for the fourth day in a row the yellow jersey. leader of the Tour de France because the end in the Wall of Brittany was "a very difficult climb."

"The rhythm did not go down anytime and it killed me so I could fight for a better ranking," he said.

"I am very happy that I did not give the rivals time and that (the Frenchman Julien) Alaphilippe (Quick Step) was not second, so I was able to keep the leader's jersey" he explained.

On the victory of the Irishman Dan Martin acknowledged: "I was waiting for your attack.It is fine and knows how to find the right moment.If you are able to follow the pace as he did, it is an impressive effort.He deserved the win. "

On the performance of the leader of his training to fight for the overall standings, the Australian Richie Door, pointed out that it was "a good day for both."

Yellow is supposed to outperform the result that he got two years ago: "I was hoping to keep it up to date." To the wall of Brittany and then we would see, so I'm pretty happy. "

"Now, there are two platters, but we have a job something always happens, so it will be nice to be awake."

Dan Martin: "This is a Awesome feeling of winning again "

The Irishman Daniel Martin (United Arab Emirates), winner of the sixth stage, with the final on the Wall of Brittany, said that he felt "a great feeling" to win the Tour de France again and on the breton scene, since he was third after attacking in the end, as he did occasion with a brilliant result

" It's great to win again in the Tour so many second places in the Tour since last time … I was a little nervous because of the headwind because I did not get there The race was very difficult in the first part of the climb, I saw that everyone was at the limit and there was no teammate ers, so I decided to try it, "he explains on arrival. On the eve of Quimper's "clbadic", Martin, nephew of Ireland's Tour '87 champion, Stephen Roche, scored the finish at the Wall of Brittany to triumph and settle outstanding accounts [19659002] "I ended up with good legs." Maybe the adrenaline I do not know.Yesterday I felt good and I decided to try it today at the end I was very relaxed all day long and wishing to have a chance.The last time for that purpose, I was second, and as I had already wasted time, I 've lost my time. I thought maybe they would let me go.Today, there was no doubt, I attacked as hard as possible.This victory makes this Tour de France a success, and all the rest will be welcome. "

Romain Bardet:" The Recovery Effort Makes Me Feel Bad "

French Roman Bardet (AG2R) lamented the 31 seconds that he gave was Thursday in the sixth stage of the Tour de France, with an arrival at the Mur de Bretagne, after suffering a breakdown in the rear wheel four kilometers from the finish line. the risks that must be borne. I had a problem with the rear wheel and had to change my bike with my partner Tony Gallopin. The effort to recover made me feel terrible. "

" It's not good to waste time at any time, but I managed to limit the loss. It happened very quickly when I suffered the failure. "

" In the Tour, we know that many circumstances are happening and today they have not been on our side, "he concluded.

Valverde: en top of the ranking "

The Spanish Alejandro Valverde (Movistar) lamented this Thursday to keep the honey on his lips and" to have finished pole again "after finishing third at the Wall of Brittany, final of the sixth stage of the Tour de France

"It was a complicated end and for placement, but that's what's important. I feel good and have good legs, "he said.

"We are still in the race and I am fourth and third, but winning is difficult," he said. Quick Step A 100 kilometers from the finish line and took his teammates Nairo Quintana and Mikel Landa off guard, he explains: "I was in front and I did not cut myself."

The others who could not rectify Tom Dumoulin (Sunweb) and the French Roman Bardet (AG2R) said: "It's bike and it's like that."

Valverde insisted that before reaching the first stages of the high mountains in the Alps "you have to go save the days."

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– The Tour de France (@LeTour) July 12, 2018

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