Suicide attack in Kabul at the arrival of General Dostum: 11 dead


A suicide bombing killed at least 11 people and wounded 14 at the entrance of Kabul International Airport on Sunday when General and Warchief Abdul Rashid Dostum pbaded, who returned to his home. country after a year of exile.

When the explosion was felt, senior officials, political leaders and supporters of Dostum had to evacuate the airport, where they organized a triumphant reception for the influential Uzbek warlord returning from Turkey.

Dostum Kabul police spokesman Hashmat Stanikzai said that his spokesman, Bashir Ahmad Tayanj, had not been hurt and that he was wearing sunglbades and was wearing Sun glbades. They were injured.

The suicide bomber was on foot, Interior Ministry spokesman Najib Danish said, adding that the victims included civilians, including a child, and members of the police.

Dostum, who is linked to a series of human rights abuses in Afghanistan, was received as a celebrity when he came down from the chartered plane that l? had been transported from Turkey, where he had been living since May 2017. [19659002] – He can only stop the protests –

His return was surrounded by speculation and sparked violent demonstrations in several northeastern provinces of Afghanistan, a region considered as its traditional power base.

Dostum has been on the streets in recent weeks, forced the closure of electoral and government centers and blocked highways to demand the release of a leader of the pro-government militia and demand the return of Dostum [19659009]. Dostum has quietened the atmosphere, and protesters swore Sunday that protests will continue until the leader of the ethnic Uzbek minority tells them Rio

"We do not trust the government. We will continue our protests unless General Dostum asks us to stop, "told AFP Ehsanullah Qowanch, leader of demonstrations in Faryab province

The Dostum plane is specially chartered by the Afghan Government for

When Dostum left the airport aboard an armored convoy, surrounded by his personal guard, a loud explosion was heard.

The spokesman for the Danish Ministry of the Interior had told AFP that the attack was "probably a suicide bomber".

General Abdul Rashid Dostum, northern warlord of Afghanistan and first vice president of the country, is accused of having raped a rival at the end of 2016. [19659002] the country in May 2017 to avoid justice and their attempts to return had failed so far.

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