Syrian army defends Israeli air strike | news


Syrian S-200 air defense systems were activated when several military aircraft entered the country and approached Tiyas Air Force Base (T-4) in Homs Province (center).

This was reported by TeleSUR correspondent in Syria, Hisham Wannous, who reported that one of the attacking planes was shot down, forcing others to retreat to the territory occupied by the terrorists.

The new attack caused only material damage, reported Wannous.

Syrian anti-aircraft defense systems shot down several missiles and struck an Israeli plane during the Israeli aggression against T4 air base in Homs

– Hisham Wannous (@HishamteleSUR) July 8, 2018

According to the medium HISPANTV, the planes flew undetected and attacked the Syrian base so that the missiles were activated.

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For its part, the Syrian Agency SANA said that the new Israeli aggression occurred at the same time as attacks Terrorists on the territory of Daraa ] where the Syrian Arab Army conducted military operations for about 15 days and managed to get them to deliver their ammunition.

Syrian anti-aircraft defenses strike Israeli warplanes and force other planes to retreat into occupied territories

– Hisham Wannous (@HishamteleSUR) 8 July 2018

"Syria shows that the terrorist war imposed by the foreign country for eight years has not been able to weaken its national army which is still able to repel Israeli aggression, "Wannous says about the defense used by Syria against ] Israel .

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