Tension increases between Russia and England due to poisoning. ELESPECTADOR.COM


As investigations continue into the new case of poisoning in London, tensions between Theresa May 's government and Vladimir Putin increase. England has linked the recent event with the badbadination attempt of former Russian spy Sergei Skripal. Russia continues to deny any involvement in the facts

British police are investigating the house where the poisoned couple was found. EFE

With progress in investigating the case of the poisoned British couple June 30 in the city of Amesbury, 13 kilometers from Salisbury, British leaders found enough information to declare that the two incidents are related and asked Russia for an explanation of the events and the Novichok neurotoxic agent. The Kremlin immediately went out to defend itself against these accusations and questioned the recurring use of the substance, made in Russia, in Britain.

Investigations revealed that the British couple were in Salisbury the day before poisoning to the neurotoxic substance, the same locality where the former Russian agent Skripal and his daughter were poisoned on March 4 latest.

(You might be interested in: What do we know about the new intoxication in England)

A friend of the couple explained to AFP that they had spent the day before events in Salisbury: "We were in several stores and in Elizabeth Gardens Park for a drink, it was a beautiful summer day," recalls Sam Hobson, then his friends, identified as Charlie Rowley and Dawn Sturgess, "are went to talk to each other. "

One of the hypotheses raised by the British Anti-Terrorist Unit pointed out that the intoxication of the British couple could be due to insufficient cleaning work in Salisbury but the British Interior Minister, Sajid Javid, said that there was no evidence "that the two new addicts by Novichok, a nerve agent from the city of Amesbury, have visited one of the areas where the Skripal was located in Salisbury. What he confirmed was the suspicion that the two incidents are related

"The eyes of the world are in Russia right now, not just for the World Cup" said the politician, while He accused Moscow of trying to "undermine" the security of the United Kingdom and international security, in general. "We are confronted with actions that threaten our security, it is totally unacceptable that our inhabitants are objective, deliberate or accidental, poisoning," he added

(You can read: Two seriously injured in Salisbury by an unknown substance after the Skripal case). 19659005] Russia continues to deny any connection with the facts. The spokesman of Russian diplomacy, Maria Zakharova, said at a press conference "we asked the British forces not to give in to the dirty political games initiated by certain forces in London, and to cooperate with them. Russian forces "He also asked the British government to apologize.

"The government of Theresa May (…) will have to apologize for everything she has done, both to Russia and to the international community."

the secretary press release, Dimitry Peskov, accused London of never having agreed a joint investigation with Russia on the use of the nerve agent and said that it was very concerned about "the repeated use of these substances in Europe."

For now, the British police report that "no one else has presented symptoms similar to those of the poisoned couple "and that the risk to the public is" low ". However, precautionary and hygienic measures were taken with those who visited the places where the addicts were.

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