The Bogota Council Well Project that attempted to increase parking rates


Lobbyists agreed that the initiative, presented by the District, would significantly affect the pockets of the citizens and that the profits would not be sufficient to fill the financial gap of the SITP.

With the initiative, the District sought to raise 300 billion dollars a year to alleviate the deficit of the SITP, which exceeds 600 billion dollars

The Council of Bogotá sank Tuesday the district administration project which had the intention to increase public parking rates to help balance the finances of the integrated public transport system ( PSIS).

With a vote of 22 for and 18 against the lobbyists approved the ] Negative document that opposed the project, with everything and this same Tuesday the ministry Mobility had launched a call to approve the initiative to not have to [1945911] 010] "reduce resources to areas such as education or health."

(Read: District asks Council to authorize increased parking rates)

Most councilors agreed that the administration's project will significantly hit pockets citizens, and the amount that will remain in the coffers of the city will not be enough to cover the financial gap of the transportation system.

The project of the Ministry of Mobility had the intention to create an additional contribution to the parking rate, which would vary according to the zone, the time and the stratum in which it stationed except in strata 1 and 2.

banks that said no to the new contribution was the political movement MIRA, which badured that, instead of new charges, the administration must lead strong actions against the crisis of SITP. "You should not take the path of least effort, break the rope on the thinnest side: the citizen," they said

(Read: Increasing parking rates in Bogotá, with a bad atmosphere to the Council)

They also noted that, contrary to the District argument, the contribution of does not benefit strata 2, 3 and 4 for whom the burden would be heavier. "It mainly affects strata 2, 3 and 4 which in absolute terms have more vehicles than strata 5 and 6 (…) this contribution will increase service up to 52% for cars and a 36% for motorcycles. "

In turn, Councilor Hollman Morris (Progressive Movement), stated that the initiative did not study and the principle of equity is not respected, "because 76% of car owners are in stratum 1, 2 and 3". The lobbyist pointed out that, for similar reasons, the District raised Transmilenio's tariffs for to cover the red bus deficit "and it was not like that."

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