The bombing in Afghanistan has left 15 dead and more than 60 wounded


This Sunday, the Vice President of Afghanistan, Abdul Rashid Dostum, returned to his country after being in exile in Turkey for a year. Upon arrival at Kabul International Airport, a suicide bomber killed 15 people and injured more than 60 others. The Islamic State justified the attack.

Prior to the event, dozens of supporters and local authorities – including the second vice president of government, Sarwar Danish – were in the early afternoon at the airport to receive the Afghan vice president. When he arrived, Dostum got into a vehicle and left the airport escorted by security forces, but a few minutes later an insurgent loaded with explosives blew himself up near the airport. Main entrance to the complex

. of Dostum, but the explosion occurred "a few minutes after the vice president left the region," Kabul police spokesman Hashmat Stanikzai

told Efe Stanikzai, among the 15 dead was immolated, there were civilians and members of the security forces. The number of wounded was 60.

"I had a good welcome, but when we left the area, I heard an explosion," said the Uzbek minority leader Dostum during of a subsequent ceremony in the Afghan capital. For its part, the Islamic State claimed responsibility for the attack and said the target was the Afghan vice president, according to the news agency Amaq, linked to the ISIS .

] In two brief communications disseminated through the social network Telegram, the agency said that "the attack was aimed at celebrating the vice president of Afghanistan" and specified that the Suicide bombing had been perpetrated with an explosive belt


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Despite the attack, the Vice President called for "peace and reconciliation" in the country and badured that "negotiations with the Taliban" are his main objective, although he asked the determination of all to achieve it.

In 2005, Dostum was unscathed in a suicide bombing in northern Afghanistan. Dostum greeted his disciples on an esplanade in front of a mosque where he had just prayed when an insurgent blew himself up. During the attack, dozens of people were injured, including Dostum's brother, Abdul Vadir, and two of his bodyguards. Dostum is one of the most powerful Afghan caudillos, reputed to be bloodthirsty. He has also experienced constant camp changes during wars in Afghanistan since the Soviet invasion in 1979 until the expulsion of the Taliban in 2001.

He fought the Taliban in the north of the country, where he acted as a member of the Alliance. North. According to some complaints, he was responsible for the death by asphyxiation of hundreds of them prisoner, when transferred to a prison in virtually sealed containers.

The controversial politician occupied the post of chief of staff of the armed forces of Afghanistan with the previous president, Hamid Karzai. Then the current president, Ashraf Gani, appointed him vice president, for the reason that it is necessary to seek peace in the country.

However the vice-president's relationship with Gani did not work when Dostum decided to travel, with

Dostum's trip to Turkey in May of last year comes after weeks of speculation about his possible escape after the Attorney General opened an investigation three months earlier against nine of his bodyguards for allegedly torturing and raping a political rival

Ahmad Ishchi, former vice-president of the Dostum party, and currently political rival of the leader , claimed to have been captured in November 2016 and moved to a home of the Afghan vice president, where he ordered his bodyguards to badually abused him.

Source: EFE

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